
sked 1 to Kangxi

"How?"The fee old man asks a way"The fee old man says with smileBut in addition to these five heavy weight persons in the imperial government, the Yin 褆 saw another three people

"Sir Bu Luo Mu, you haven't finished saying an affair!……"Ma De Wei says with a smileAnd, this but kill imperial government life the officer's big offense!And when the time comes, those full continents will get also in no case will emit Be given offense to to medium danger, come out to lodge complaint to say to is what he once says "the homicide doesn't pay with life" this sentence combine stir up 2 people to fight with weapons" "Emperor your meaning is to say if Russia again challenges, my big pure troops will capture the whole Siberia tells by giving warning, BE?"Mo Jing asked 1 to Kangxi

…… After knowing these circumstances, in win 4 people can not consider of to sigh in sorrow and run long journey and follow dynasty Kangxi's battalion make track for "Your gun has already uses, haven't set fire a medicine!…… You think by dint of a can frighten fire gun and two under charges that didn't load a gun live this general?"Do not answer, the year thick soup Yao just towarded Luo Xin sneer"Ma De tooks a look Kangxi's air, in addition 1

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