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George Du Wei and Di especially inside rare all realize, the strength in the their hand basically isn't the opponent of Pacific Fleet at the moment, even if two fleets adds don't go as well, so after bombarding soon, then and immediately meaning can't participate Honolulu and the war of of Spain.

Although 2 people Be each to have a purpose, also each have idea,have a little affirmation is same, that be before the Pacific Fleet and Japanese fleet divides a victory or defeat, all anyway should not get involved this war.

After bombarding be over in less than five minutes, two regiments having already much remain on standby start to Manila city of strong offend, the mark Qin machine gun special voice of Da Da resounds through the whole city and accompanies with the explosion voice of hand grenade and trench mortar, this that Fu.

However the gun voice like this didn't keep on how long, the staff officer department prepared to want to win the scene that Spanish soldier strives holdout to don't appear at all, three teachers and five teachers joining forces for battle only spend for two hours and sacrificed don't arrive 100 people and then broke through the main road of city.

Is original and then be frightenned by the fleet bombardment the wave frightenning to death to pull Wei for summer, see city again is also Zhang Huang to mismanage after breaking,Beats By Dre green Monday, immediately send a person to contact Pacific Ocean the soldier declare to stop holdout.

At 6:00 on the night of April 24, wave pulls Wei for summer to declare to give up holdout in the governor of province official residence, at George Du Wei and Di especially in rare of the witness bottom delivered to surrender a book.According to the previous agreement, Chen Ping, representative, Li Mo, , promises to promise he and trap Be guarded to 13,000 life safety of Spanish soldiers in the city, leave at the same time of 20,000 honest soldiers also let go of in succession weapon.

Who can't thought of, either, Spain declares war with Honolulu each other for short four days behind, Manila the city then announce and change hands under the Pacific Fleet strong thermodynamic power, but when personally witness George of this act Du Wei and Di especially in western, turn Hong Kong and send back through a telephone line this news respectively of nation after, the whole Europes were all vibrated.

No matter is the best from recognize England of world, or have already become Spain of third-grade nation, all didn't thought of that Li Mo can so quickly beat bottom Manila, Spanish domestic hates Li Da Dun's young master don't forget to aim at pike head governor of province wave to pull Wei as well for summer when the half die, condemn that he throws the dignity of losing Spanish Kingdom.

Originally local political situation in Spain of ebullition is unsteady, under the impact of this kind of disadvantageous news, more snow up add frost, be placed in domestic and international pressure, Spanish government declares, will do the best to recover Philippines.

In several days, remaining in Spain is brave to seem to be thoroughly be stired up, millions soldiers are concentrated Madrid harbor, the navy even still adjusted to gather the only one to wear Lai to invite the number war row warship and four cruisers and prepared to send troops far east.

But when Spain clamors to want to like to teach that far east arsonist for European white man, the second explosion thoroughly lets Spain sink into despair.

On April 27, 1897, just arrived American warship, Maine in Cuba to suddenly take place to explode, include warship long at inside of all of 488 water soldiers die, when the news of explosion sent back the United States, was being placed in the United States in the financial turbulence be thoroughly sparked.

This newly arisen industrial big country already the disaffection obtain on the industry and the economy of achievement, they even hope to acquire the national position that mutually matches with economic power, early Ji Yu rich Cuba, so under the demagogy of the newspaper, almost all public opinion point to Spain and say that this is the scheme of Spain.

Some radical people the peace negotiations member Be clamoring to want "remember Maine" and stiring up government to declare war.

But very obviously, the United States hasn't readied to, particularly is to almost let the gold of American despair exchange a crisis, is also a piece of secret concern that became owner, connect the most aggressive Roosevelt to have to accept defeat to U.S,Beats By Dre Free shipping day. dollar, either to significantly depreciate of danger in.

On April 28, president in Cleveland in this case, have to accept the condition of giving American bank of Ma Si and the big bank of the Mo root, publish USD 100,000,000's special gold bond to 2, used for purchase a their hand in of 150 ton golds.

Respectively divided 65,000,000 and 2 people of 35,000,000 gold bonds, immediately declare to take out 150 ton golds to hold hands American government, use an all new gold reserve mechanism, establish American federal gold reserve committee, repress this to exchange storm together.

At these two widely known super billionaireses hold hands at present under, the dispute of gold run on a bank gradually quells and fall into the stock market of low valley also if delivered a crazy beginning to soar.Refined sugar, the futureses like wheat,etc is like volcano to erupt bealso cause of possible explosion war similar spray thin up, let to hide to smile in Li Da Dun's young master in the dark corner the mouths all match Long not.

Make people strange BE, is signing this influence for American future, even be seen as the agreement that threw to lose currency power, after running on a bank a crisis and appearing a turn,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift, American president Cleveland still has no such as what people hope so and immediately declare to open hostilities, Related articles:

