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The person attains bottom, when the time comes ask road to take him home again good, hence ask a way:"Single small Pei, do you still have homing person in the wanting of another place there?"
The single small Pei shakes head a way:"For his an Alien, the others are all local."
Wang Shao Chuan's wry smile wears to wish, this three words of"Alien" how sound so pout, however noodles up don't rear, smiled to pull Si to say to the way space:"The way space pulls Si, you follow me when the time comes, however I don't know to expect benefit Kang to get a star as well where, if you the words knowing tell me, if don't know we can ask the way."
The way space pulls Si exultation and deeply gratefully and repeatedly thanks.
Wang Shao Chuan takes advantage of an opportunity a way again:"From now on everyone shouts my eldest brother like, don't the fairy,Facebook, fairy ground call, we are there often interest call this."
The public nature also has no an opinion, although everyone doesn't know "eldest brother" is what mean, however since the fairy said that this is them there of call method, that nature should listen to the words of fairy.
Wang Shao Chuan after arranging good affair leaves public stay outside the city to wait for, he then takes to pull Si in the sweat of Mo Er, single small Pei and way space,google, 4 goes into the city a purchase.
The only single small Pei in 4 people came to lead last time, so the single small Pei brought everyone to small market first and bought some odds and ends, the space of the way pulls Si but is a big exhibition artistic skill, chop down at this time the price chops down of even feeling Wang Shao Chuan is nerve-racking, but the finally big part still can clinch a deal, finally Leng with cheaper than budget 35% of prices completed the purchase of miscellaneous article, let public all tumble eyes.
The single small Pei says with smile:"Good boy, last time you why don't come out, if words like this, we could reduce last time a ."
The way space pulls a Si wry smile way:"Last time poured isn't that the mean person is intentionally lazy, just the mean person was at the right moment pulling dysentery, also luckily the medicine buying back just cures okay."
Wang Shao Chuan claps the shoulder way that a space pulls Si:"See to you are a businessman at old house, rather and so, we treat several more day, you help to make more some thing lucks to return to."
Single small Pei wry smile way:"Eldest brother, we don't have so much money, this time also can buy some main things."
The cachinnation way of Wang Shao Chuan:"Follow I how to have no money and follow me."
Single small Pei and way space pulls a Si surprise the ground follow him, the inside Mo Er sweat then what all don't ask, anyway he since not understand, also uninterested these, hence elephant the bodyguard Be similar to follow 3 people's behind.
They but don't know, say beautifully on the mouth of Wang Shao Chuan, but really needs to sell crystal stone to convert money, his in the mind still keeps having some the unwilling, however matter urgently from the power, otherwise arrived where made so much money, after all hoped that the thing of village demand is getting tooer many.
Suddenly, Wang Shao Chuan saw jade seller on the small stand of wayside, certainly just that kind of very and cheap ground jade, Wang Shao Chuan suddenly thoughted of the public notice seeing just- gone into the city time, elucidation the sky have sale will ……the wood,such as mountain, leave of jade Tong Jian Li not is have 1 is concerning grow jade of.
Wang Shao Chuan immediately contacts these threes together, hence suddenly stop, turns head to order single small Pei and way space to pull a Si way:"We lived here today, moreover, buy this jade again to return to."

Chapter 14:Liu cloud jade card

Public vision's immediately concentrating to that top in the jade, single small Pei and the inside Mo Er sweat doesn't understand anything, and then sees pull Si to the way space.
The way space pulls Si to shake head a way:"Eldest brother, this jade is stupid and heavy, the impurities are again many, little value, had a head the big shelf BE."
Wang Shao Chuan shakes head a way:"You don't want a tube and buy for me bottom be."
The single small Pei nature is Wang Shao Chuan, Ma Shou, only is to look forward, hurriedly take out money, spend 700 waves in Europe to buy next this jade, the way space pulls Si to see Wang Shao Chuan insist on and buy and have nothing to say naturally, the inside Mo Er sweat is also no matter, easily starts to embrace foot have already whetted big jade of dish to throw a store, the persons who make all the way all point a point.
Wang Shao Chuan wanted a quiet and out-of-the-way last building and ordered 3 people to prohibit to bother him, then anti- lock up door to start seeing jade Tong of Chien is how to write.
One eyes after three lines of grounds finish browsing, Wang Shao Chuan deliberate for a long time, this just the elephant start in the mountain Zhai so, use first to bind into a big circle, then slice a half piece inside the dint jade to come in and constantly idle away, fuse and become one regiment powder: jade, again constantly pick and get rid of impurities, constantly lift purely, the jade has already narrowed to come in at this time of 1/3.
"Indeed as expected is an inferior jade!"Wang Shao Chuan wishes, however the subordinate isn't the slightest slow, started to grasp a first grade crystal stone of a bit of to threw into, saw white light four shoot, the jade suddenly narrows and just finally left fist size.
Wang Shao Chuan knows that the that time waited, according to just sticking down of the method of kind jade, the luck rises to carefully chisel and carve inside the dint, didn't once know how long as well, original fist big of jade now only have a small hand sort of infant big, shape elephant a piece of jade card.
Model previous Wang Shao Chuan and inputed some inside the dint go in, this inside the dint does the effect of and true dollar the dint greatly don't think together, the whole jade card looks from the outward appearance radiant have no time, but noodles in Yu-li's imitating a Buddha to have white cloud is generally floating, Wang Shao Chuan all saw stare blankly by himself/herself, he unexpectedly grow the method of jade is so miraculous.
Wang Shao Chuan doesn't know, the wood,such as mountain, is in the northern cosmos but well-known kind of jade master, certainly this kind of jade isn't serious to grow jade in the earth, that is just can attain in the fairyland, this kind of jade is the meaning that changes jade system jade, means Gao of can reform jade into the container that accepts to work properly dint, the means is higher of returning and canning make into jade method machine.
The jade Tong of the method of that kind of jade Chien, is a wood such as the strenuous effort of mountain it make, originally have never wanted and sent Wang Shao Chuan, just he have no time look into a dollar quits medium thing just, but drive Wang Shao Chuan Jian a bowels is proper.
Pushing away door is deeply well ventilated, Wang Shao Chuan suddenly sees the single small Pei wait persons all the eyeful thrombus ground stand at the door, strange way:"Do you all stand to do what here?"
The inside Mo Er sweat Weng voice Weng spirit the ground sighed a tone way:"The eldest brother is an eldest brother!"
Wang Shao Chuan stared his one eye, the inside Mo Er sweat immediately didn't utter a word.Single small Pei in distress situation way:"The eldest brother was already morning in the second day now."
Wang Shao Chuan gets a shock, hurriedly way:"What?You how early don't call I, quick, quick with I come."
The inside Mo Er sweat several people follow close behind at after death, Wang Shao Chuan asked the way, very urgent fire Liao ground toward the mart rush through in the past, just gotted to doorway and then was defended to block, the inside Mo Er sweat a saw incredibly someone dared to block road, at that time scream madly blunt come forward go to, brandished a big fist of garlic Bo to want a hammer person, the guard frightenning turns rounds and then runs.
Wang Shao Chuan in distress situationly drank inside Mo Er sweat, today if like this beat in go to, perhaps can not also take part in sale meeting, hence carefully handed over to wood,such as mountain, his token of promise to take out, way:"Please make us go in, I some things want sale."
Common guard where recognize the token of promise of this grade, however he doesn't recognize is different from a person to recognize naturally, at the right moment a fat old man wants into a field and see that token of promise immediately the body is one earthquake, stole an eye to conjecture Wang Shao Chuan on going several people, slightly a hesitant,cnn, hurriedly and smilingly come up to say:"Put them to go in, this is my honored guest."
The guard doesn't suspect other motives, hurriedly the Chan says with smile:"Follow instructions, expect inside master."
Smile to say to Wang Shao Chuan's low voice in Ba:"Last fairy, the mean person is the owner of Ba Li's board of trade, receive a wood if the spirit of mountain fairy sees of rise, recognizing the mean person is a friend, the last fairy pleases have the token of promise accepted, you here secular world if have any affair, all can notify my Ba Li's board of trade at any time, it is our honor to help for the last fairy."
Wang Shao Chuan this just saves of, smile blunt he orders, in the heart but dark sigh a wood like extensive person's vein of mountain.
See the generosity of spirit detachment of Wang Shao Chuan in Ba, the heart knows that he is also that fix really, hence polite tunnel:"The wood is like the business of spirit of mountain fairy, the business that I expect an inside, last fairy Related articles:

