
Beats By Dre green Monday e time of inebriatin

Really gave six Ping reaction time, or is a little bit not in the right, six Ping affirmation will reflect to come over.Even is Chen Han to want to look into six certificates, or do the other, with the profession of six pings heel personality, affirmation wants to consider the other, for example inquire Chen Han to exactly do what.
But Chen Han so on saying, let six pings could not said it everything, on the contrary feel a bit ashamed.
"Thanks, I later ……" six pings connect to conduct electricity words and hurriedly thank.
Just at this time, the inner palace section had the doctor of on duty to once walk beside from their body, inner palace section understanding Chen Han's person has been many, particularly is Li Bin originally at present the section room of place, because Chen Han once inspected.
"Director Chen good ……"
"Director Chen got off work ……"
~~Wear to help.
Chen Han smiled to order to nod with them, six pings were also one Leng, immediately responded to come over at this time.
"Are you the doctor who is long to cure a hospital?"
Chen Han Dao:"Supporting the law is each citizen's job, remembered, acknowledging wrong could change, hereafter stop making."
Say, Chen Han has already walked to go out in quick time and around round the person of view at this time many ……six pings looking at Chen Han's figure ……
Oneself was just and unexpectedly been so many human face Xuns by him to scold some kind of, but oneself still careless apology.
Six pings get on the car, start car rapid doorway, look about to want to find out Chen Han everywhere, oneself calms down to want now, oneself just however is at didn't the yard has never gone to highway before take to begin machine to make a phone call just, and oneself especially the idea open very slowly, affirmation will end before setting out converse, was unexpectedly been online by the last key link to say so along while, and when wear so many people, more want to more defy spirit.
Unfortunately he comes out, but has already could not seen Chen Han's shadow.
"Damned" six Ping palmses heavily clap at steer device up.
Because meet six pings to hold up a short while, Chen Han arrives to the time of inebriating the fairyland,Beats By Dre green Monday, it has been an hour since cloudlet wood exactly waited.
Although say that Chen Han's age isn't old,after all is a leadership, Chen Han's absence, these people all say that this says that and complains for a while and waits Chen Han to come, the also true nobody dares to directly say him to be late.
See public appearance, pour in the heart of cloudlet wood is pretty admire these colleagues, can arrive the person of this position also all not general.
Although they don't know Chen Han's identity, from Chen Han's words and actions bearing and recently a series of action, also how much realized one some.
Chen Han Yi comes in, didn't wait public say what, Chen Han has already picked up the Mao set of table, oneself arrives three cups:"Everybody, make everyone long etc., just the emergency room had a surgical operation to hold up a short while, I first from punish three cups."
While just coming in, Chen Han has already notified to inebriate the attendant serving of fairyland, Chen Han San the belly in cup wine, the attendant has already come up four cool vegetableses.
Is public to have never thought, Chen Han Yi comes up such, someone directly takes the lead to applause ……
"The good capacity for liquor of director Chen, good boldness of vision."
"Director Chen is indeed as expected severe."
Chen Han knows how the place is good and the relation of each different layer person, he isn't to be a president now, but want to do to be actual to work, get in touch with with these people, so that kind of officer the Wei certainly and on the contrary use not up, win public good will with the action of medical skill and vehemence and intimate, this is the most decisive.
If Chen Han now cures by growing a hospital in the future inherit the identity of person, little landlord, he can't say long etc. of an everybody thus and at most, probably this meal comes down and also not definitely drinks the next three cup wine.
With one voice after being imposing, attaining one person under the myriad people on concealed back forest, the other people say he this is elegant.And if a common run of people live in the grass hut, there is then no ability, improverished,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift, different of time, handle a problem also from have a different method, treat a problem be even treated by the other people, all different.

Volume 2"99811 difficult" of chapter 127(is medium)
Renew time:2009-11-179:49:45 chapter word numbers:3485

In 127 chapters"99811 difficult"s
Vegetables of very quick, Chen Han has never waited these director the reflection come over, first heel public connect do three cups, certainly is to toast a hall, the Chen Han's words is glow with enthusiasm, instigate dint the strongest, say publically to toast in succession.
The wine drinks all the way, under stiring up of Chen Han's words, the capacity for liquor littlely has already started to be some arousing to move, in succession the proposal drinks with Chen Han, Chen Han's coming to doesn't refuse.
Be again different from a person to suggest later on, inebriating a fairyland serving the speed already enough quick, Chen Han enter pack not arrive 15 cent, all of the 22 course of vegetables come up, but have already had three people to drink to crouch down at this time.
The gold article is public medium have a capacity for liquor most , Chen Han Yi enters a house to connect to do three cups, he feels power a head not to, later on Chen Han's coming to don't refuse and attack on one's own initiative, demagogy emotion, transfer atmosphere, several round come down already the bottle pour quite a few, the gold article no longer makes a noise very intelligently and starts eating.
He is "alcohol battlefield", will avoid its sharp point this time, so many people, wait them to drink about with director Chen, oneself's making moves again isn't late either.
Cloudlet wood basically has no in a side how to drink, she but know the gold article can drink and see he have been making no noise, know this boy to prepare afterwards vigorously.
Cloudlet wood has some penitence and just had no to in time tell Chen Han, if this continues, Chen Han's capacity for liquor again also want to suffer a los very perhaps.
After the hour,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift Free shipping day green Monday, the half's gold article sees have the half the person to drink at least already about, he starts a way:"I go to bathroom convenience for a while, director Chen, come back me to respect your wine."
Very small wine table, for so several individuals, with Chen Han's vision whose each and every move even a facial expression how to once escaped his eyes again, this gold article action is abnormal, and Chen Han early notices.
Chen Han Dao:"Good.I wait you to come back."
This guy.See to want to put together well with oneself a .The gold article smiles to go out.See the gold article going out.The others are all some slightly drunk.Cloudlet wood starts to toast.Take advantage of an opportunity the side of Chen Han Shen.
"Director Chen.We gold article sponsor's allowing is a superior in wine.Is us city hall ground's assisting at wine parties members be all infused by him to once inebriate.We can bad far.Come.I respect an one cup of director Chen.I am dry.Director Chen is at will."Unless in the formal situation.Otherwise everyone even if call a director.General that"pair" wordses will save.
In time of public in front.Cloudlet wood still keeps calling Chen Han's director.However use this way notice Chen Han Yi.
Chen Han had some felling just now.Is leaving to inebriate far.Smiled to order to nod.Or keep on doing a cup wine all.
"Alcoholic ……" gold article led to in a short while come back.The facial expression isn't good very much.It takes a dozen of napkins in the hand.It is wiping on the pants.Walked to come in.
The others all drank about, also is as the most awake as gold article for Chen Han, cloudlet wood at this time.
Cloudlet wood's way:"The sponsor allows, you how was this ?"
Gold article one face isn't quick:"Do not lift, just met an alcoholic in the toilet, wet in my pants, result he still very cow, almost beat, be afterwards drawn back by the person of hotel, really unlucky."
Bring up a rare matter just, gold article one face was unlucky, cloudlet wood listenned to, tiny knit the brows:"You are still really enough unlucky."
The others also all smiled out in succession, just at they say words, pack the ground door suddenly open, a person about 30 years old, there are some rocks in the step, the facial expression is very overbearing, came in to sweep public one eye very wildly, and the vision finally falls on gold article.
The person in"just …… just … was you" pointed at a gold article way:"Now immediately with I past, give us eminence long pour wine to admit mistake.
Once the gold article listen to, facial expression a change:"Your head is sick and use need not I see for you, he wet my pants, and I hadn't sought him Related articles:

