
cnn Corporation invest

To borrow money from her father ,to borrow ,to have a mortgage ,you pay interest, so ,if not look for her father .relationresultTo understand these,Kaine was also relieved ,he nodded : Okay ,summer ,as you say, but we also can not only rely on production ,film distribution of road, should also find a way to other rich .
, relationresultYou are right ,Kaine ,but this thing ,or you will be responsible for it, after all this I think you know more than I should ,but your relationship should also many . Xia and Shang admiring glances at Kaine University ,Kaine is during business student ,major is financial management ,in this respect ,he is better than his half-baked has the right .
relationresultWell , Kaine some helpless white eyes, but did not refuse ,at this time, he thought of the Xia and Shang just about Saul zaentz ?Things from the table ,then took a piece of paper ,give to the Xia and Shang dynasties before, said: Mr.
Shaw agreed to meet with you ,the time is noon tomorrow ,this is the meeting place ,I really do not know that he holds in his hands of the film ,so should you pay attention to ? .relationresultSure, Kaine ,I just wanted to storm pictures add some popularity and revenue .
Xia and Shang took Kaine handed the note ,a glance away ,some things do not understand ,Kaine ,Xia and Shang did not explain ,only time can prove what he is doing ,just do not know the negotiations along smoothly ,Xia and Shang not by dark with a sigh .
relationresult,Kaine ,the best urged Mr. George ,as far as possible tomorrow noon ,the fund problem solving the last summer to remind a sentence .relationresultOK.relationresult...relationresultDear Anthony ,this morning the Storm Studio Manager Mr.
Kaine ,give me a call ,said Xia and Shang wants to see me, can you help me guess what ? .At the same time ,a Losangeles coffee shop, the English Patient producer of Thor ?Zaentz ,also with Anthony ?Minghella the director talking about this matter ,Xia and Shang who ,he is naturally know ,last night has just received a Golden Globe Award for Best Screenplay award ,cnn,Masamori the limelight , relationresultI can anything unexpected ,he should be in the English Patient this film .
Anthony smiles at Thor the partner ,not a bit surprised .relationresultIn order to the English Patient ,you know ? Zhaenzibu asked by sol? .relationresultYes ,Mr. Sol ,because last night ,Mr.
Xia he and I talked about this matter ,he seemed to value the English Patient ,also say to investment ,just don know how he will be so confident ? Anthony frowned ,thinking up and summer business exchanges, more want more is feeling some puzzling ,opposite party can know about the film ,he doesn surprised ,after all the English Patient Twentieth Century Fawkes withdrew a few days ago ,in also be heard, to his amazement ,each other did not seen the script, is how to know if this is a good play ?relationresultSo that is what it is.
,but the company is a small company ,I hope I can get Mira Mike Pictures Corporation investment . When it comes to storm pictures company, Sol tone ,Facebook,obviously some disdain ,even said to despise .
relationresultI think you should see Mr. Xia better, after all, Mira Mike Pictures Corporation did not seem to pay attention to the film Anthony ?Minghella frowned warns .relationresultOf course I don want to be a fail to keep faith , relationresult(thanks to rain leaf shower brothers rewards ,thank you ) , relationresultThe first three zero chaptersrelationresultThe English Patient attribution , relationresultThe first three one chapters of surprise and trouble , relationresultThe first three one chaptersrelationresultSurprised andtrouble , relationresultThe first three one chaptersrelationresultSurprised andtrouble , relationresultMummy series of films is a summer business with Summit Entertainment cooperation and a film ,it has a total of three ,are the Mummy , the mummy and Tomb of the Dragon Emperor ,Xia and Shang chose such a film, in addition to the series of movies and action movies love besides, more prefer Mummy series of films made in the box office ,can not be denied that such action fantasy movies, its investment cost is very high ,but its income is very considerable also .
WwW ,QunabEN ,coM , relationresultThe Mummy the first in a series of for mummy ,also called the Mummy ,the film story takes place in 1923 in Egypt ,a group of beautiful man ,met three thousand years was cursed into zombies Holt ,and stop mummies complete rebirth become invincible force of evil picture story ,absolute scale, the battle is very fierce ,at Universal Studios to shoot the film ,its budget cost of $76000000 ,this film costs so high ,it gains also obtained great harvest ,over $150000000 in North American box office ,more than $250000000 in the foreign box office Universal Pictures ,to become in 99 years one of the biggest winners .
relationresultMummy success ,prompting a global after two years, launched the Mummy series second the mummy ,the film story ,occurs in the first film the story 8 years later ,compared with the first part ,of this film, actor Rick O Conner faced ,google?Enemy of the more powerful ,this film style is still the continuation of the first ,it makes it more expensive to shoot ,of course ,the same great harvest ,the more than $200000000 at the box office ,overseas more than $220000000 at the box office ,the world also earn a basin full earthen bowl is full .
relationresultIt is worth mentioning that Mummy the third movie in the series Tomb of the Dragon Emperor ,this movie not only to join the many Chinese elements ,but also the footage to ready the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor Terracotta Army ,this is also the first lens alignment Terracotta Army Hollywood films ,this film ,in addition to use Brandon ?Fisher, the first ,two film starring actors, there are Chinese actors ,including the famous stars to play Jet Li as an ancient Chinese emperor ,famous female to play star Michelle Yeoh is in the film plays a witch ,although strictly speaking, it is not a real mummy films ,but he elements unique to China ,strange ,mysterious Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor Terracotta Army elements ,but also to the film adds a new aspect .
relationresultNow,the summer business creation is the Mummy the first in a series of the mummy ,as for the film second ,three ,Xia and Shang not ready so soon out ,or three add up to such high cost ,it is not the Summit Entertainment spook ,even each other the early witch ,sun earned all capital is cast, may not be enough .
relationresultAs forSummit Entertainment finally can through this play ,will not invest ,Xia and Shang and not worry too much about ,at the moment he is not a year before him ,the Golden Globe Award for best screenplay for the top of Hollywood ,made him one of the writers ,that now he produced play ,even if the summit because of fear investment of the high cost and give up ,there must be someone who ,this is the famous benefits , relationresultIn January 18th,fifty-third American Film Golden Globe Awards ceremony after the end of two days ,the much-anticipated sixty-eighth Oscar award winning nominations were published ,the results although some beyond all expectations ,but still is in the intention ,after 50 years of development ,the Golden Globes as first issued every year Television Awards ,although has been regarded by many as a Oscar prize nomination on the vane, but still have a lot of difference . Related articles:

