
cnn wall of the tower

: , ... ... May not ,my soul should be so painful ?You ... ... Do what ? , relationresultFeng Liuzieyebrow PICK : your this life soul in my hand ,right, that you just see the jade Jane ,is the black Huang Na old bastard left me, ha ha ! , relationresultSorry.
Ji Da decadent limp in general ,composed of the body shaking, teeth tightly biting has red blood flow of lower lip .relationresultShocked? Von Rokuko disdain smile ,said : in fact ,even without this jade Jane ,now I can still be you kill ,you believe ? , relationresultJi Dasmiled grimly ,said: of course not, my quality milk is supreme, who can kill me? Even if you are trapped in the tower, but with your practice is also simply cannot kill me ! , relationresultIs ? Von Rokuko gently shook his head ,a single hand to Nicota a, said: collection !: W .
One is Κn~ , relationresultWhiz ,and Guta Huang Hongfei ,and the ghost of three people watched, sharply reduced ,from the original 100 meters high ,gradually become a palm-sized ,was Feng Liuzi !relationresult,good is the brother-in-law ,you become so big ,the witch is also not change small ? Huang Hongfei and the ghost of two around the pagoda amazed ,so simple to Ji Dazhi served ?This is a cow ?relationresultInside the space not small ,we only see the surface becomes small, but there still so much space ,but Ji DA in the pagoda ,let me around ! Feng Liuzi and Huang Hongfei is not big, but trapped in the tower Ji DA can hear clearly !relationresultYou are lying ,how can you push me ?Stop dreaming ! Ji Da says it has a vibrato ,obviously ,her power is insufficient !relationresultVonRokuko also lazy and Ji Da explain what ,just miss a ,Ji Da systemic God force is hermetically sealed !relationresultCall !~ moment by sealing the God Yuan Ji Da ,just feel a sudden heavy ,all his strength as time as root induction ,not to !relationresultNo, how can that be? This .
,Facebook.. ... No ,this is impossible ,this tower ... ... The tower ... ... Ji Da trembling to smooth a mirrored wall of the tower ,she was like a deflated balloon ,the whole spiritual collapse of the moment, eyes glassy sit around !relationresultWith theknowledge of God within the Ji Da Feng Rokuko ,gently close with the ray of PEEP knowledge of God ,wry shook his head saying : leave you ,leave you shall not be greater than three ,a supreme even early old monster born ,to me is not good ,and you cruel ,presumably if you,google, you will be full of the old collection of pieces of distraction ! , relationresultOnce again,Guta will be amplified ,von Rokuko started living Lian Ji Da die !relationresultBut,just at this moment, has worn face talking with Huang Yaling ,she said: von .
,cnn.. ... Six brother ,do you really want to kill her as well? , relationresultVonRokuko firmly nodded : well ,must kill her ,leaving her ,leaving a day is still evil ! , relationresultBut ,she didn hurt us ,nor did she is full of hurt ,you heard her around for a curse, just fancy ,besides ,don .
.. ... She is poor ? , relationresultPoor.Von Rokuko surprised with a look at Huang Yaling .relationresultHuang Yaling alsostudied Feng Liuzi appearance ,firm he nodded : yes ,poor ,she is the wife of another ,but be that Xuan Huang as forcibly as concubine ,countless years she did not free ,www.
xs530.com she was locked up in this desolate Hades ,she can because she just out will be a ugly and scary old woman, you say she is poor ?A woman never wish to become more than a ghost more ugly than the devil ? , relationresultFeng Liuzifrowned as a group ,you is you ,she will never change her kind heart ,no matter for several world reincarnation, her Feng Ling ,was always so naive and kind !relationresultBut I donlike her this kind ?relationresultwhat do you say ? Von Rokuko slowly back ready to print summary !relationresultI want her ,she is miserable ! Huang Yaling was trying to put the Ji da !relationresultYetwhen Feng Liuzi promised ,Huang Hongfei got a trail : my own sister ah ,you don blending ,the witch can never put ah ,that monster ,she should move the finger, we four have a goner ,how can you be so naive ? , relationresultYeah ,I don the strength is high ,but an ordinary man of God will be able to play several secluded dark demon emperor, and this is .
.. ... The old monster ?Grandma ,you no mercy ! The ghost has also joined in ,after all they don !relationresultHuang Yaling heardhis brother and the ghost will ,with tears to see feng Rokuko !relationresultVonRokuko heart pain ,chicken little wistful eyes once again appear in his mind : I put ,put ,not that a supreme quality monster ?Put her? , relationresultSix brother .
.. ... Huang Yaling finally rolled down the tears ,at the moment ,she finally found himself in front of the man is a married man !relationresultYou don ,this is we meet again ,you talk to me about the first request ,how could I not promise ?Moreover, do not let me kill ?Rest assured ,I will put Ji Da ,but not now ! , relationresultWhen will that be ? , relationresultWhen will that be ? , relationresultTwo voicesringing up ,one is Huang Yaling ,one is trapped in the tower by the laughing of Ji da !relationresultFeng Liuziwas a positive ,said: God ,wait till I get my gods ,since the birds and animals let you out ,you want to eat or in the spirit world ,murder and burn it, anyway ,I mean it ,will let you ! , relationresultOh ,wait until you are to God ?Son you please, just let me go ,I was willing to accompany you around ,to be the little sister ,and my sister total wait on you .
.. ... , relationresultHuang Yalingturned red in the face ,with a hint of anger at Guta eye ,and von Rokuko also heavy snorted: from now on ,you have to make things ,otherwise don the ruin your body repair ? , relationresultNo, I won mention ,never to mention ,son ,then you can put my God yuan open ,there is no God element in the body, I feel very tired ! Ji Da if you know not die ,began to talk about the conditions .
relationresultCan ,pagoda in poly spirit gas is very strong, if you for hundreds of years ,like the outside million years ,how can I make you work more profound ?Not for me ?You honest stay in there ! A noise restraining by Feng Rokuko played out, not to hear the voice of Ji da !relationresultAndGuta isolated ,Roku Ko to Huang Yaling laughs: or ,if in the future to the world, she would be a helper or perhaps ,the God three cases but and I tie beam ! , relationresultThank you six brother promised you request ,you make six brother embarrassed .
.. : W .One is Κn... Huang Yaling voice is very sweet ,very elegant ,Roku Ko heard ,the body of hot, there is an indescribable excitement and happiness !relationresultFeng Liuzi isproud ,happy and comfortable feeling ,Huang Yaling the kind word ,Huang Hongfei raucous Drake voice rang : don anything else, brother-in-law ,but you promised me ten years let me be master ,now is it right? Should teach me the magical . Related articles:

