
Beats by Dr Dre Pro you I looking at t

Say with smile:"This blood isn't mine."
"You ……killed two to take charge of, BE?"The small Xuan sudden voice is a bit different.
"……" I didn't talk, but squinted Jing to looking at this woman.Because I listen to Chen Shan once say, this small Xuan is two master woman!
After, the vision of her eyes inside flash across one silk oddity's immediately cold way:"H'm, you killed him ……also good!"
"What person are you exactly?"I deeply absorbed tone and stared at her:"Why to want to help me?"
I cautiously looking at this chemisette eyes, if she dares to have any changes, I will don't hestitate of beat dizzy she!
"Little five elder brotherses ……" she wry smile way:"I have no to you malevolent ……today's affair, I unexpectedly will see you here.Isn't the place for talking now, I think a way arrangement first, you go out, after going out, you ask what, I answer you be!"
Finish saying, she sighed tone:"You are here wait in a short while, never walk indiscriminately ……never this door!I arrange for a while, then think a way to pick you up to go out."
Finish saying, she turns round to pull a doorknob hand.I hesitated for a while, finally decided to still keep believing this strange woman and freed to her to draw back a door.
"The words that remember me never go out!"Gave repeated advice to my 1 again before small Xuan leaves:"Just two take charge of to assassinate Chen Shan for the sake of the match gold river.So thinking the way to shoot the public security here was like to stretch forward to all close!So just you run about aimlessly together, they didn't catch you!But now shooting of outside's being like to stretch forward most likely has already been opened, once you go out to run about aimlessly, and affirmation will be disheveled hair now!"
Finish saying these, she urgently and in a hurry of run away.
I but stunned speechless!
See from this chemisette's last words ……she is clear is with gold river they 1!She knows two to take charge of and the gold river conspired the affair of assassinating Chen Shan!She knows everything!Is she also the person of leaf joys?
The person of leaf joys ……still know of ……but I how don't remember a leaf the joys nearby has is such an I know of woman?
However what I can affirm BE, she seems to really have no malice to me.Just at the time that she talked, I had been staring at she saw, her look in the eyes was firm, time talked the vision didn't gleam as well as avoided being seen, there was no fluster.
Is more important, I can choose to believe her just now.
Mama of!
While cannot helping but sighing tone, just coming out in from the pack, but I am it happened that to have already forgotten to take a cellular phone.Now even if make a phone call to plea for help, all can not do it.
There is also Tu ……he makes track for gold river, don't know as well how.
One regiment in the brain is disorderly, I stick on plank in the door.The voice that cautiously listens to an outside, occasionally also hear step voice past, I will be nervous for a while.I very clear, if I was grasped by these people, their affirmation is to affirm that I killed their 2s to take charge of!No one will believe any words that I say of!
***, This black pot of back gets to be really a bit timid!
About waited to have a hour, my more waiting was more anxious, at I already some etc.s don't descend of time, outside spread a step voice, then hear the light two times knocking on door a voice:"Little five elder brotherses is me!"
Hear the voice of small Xuan, I just finally loosenned tone.
Open the door, see the small Xuan stand outside the door, her there is also a young female kid nearby.This girl dresses extremely gorgeous, the shape is also very good-looking, but the forehead takes one silk dust of journey breathing, see appearance, pour to seem to be a young lady here.
Two women walk to come into the door, the small Xuan immediately closed door, soft-voiced way:"This is my younger sister, didn't relate to."
I didn't talk, the small Xuan had already sighed tone:"I made point means and intentionally exposed route and trace that the gold river escape, the gold river opened a window in a place of this floor, the window mourned a steel wire, he be run from that place of, I am intentionally stirring to visit that place, they think that you have already run to go out from that place now, and big parts of persons all have already made track for to go out now.I take you to walk now."
Finish saying, two women start putting to rouse up, they took me to go out and once wore hallway to enter a storeroom, then made a small trolley and put on the trolley several boxes still have a big buck basket, I squat down at that basket son in, on heap of body a lot of sofa set and blanket still have a dirty uniform etc. and have some litter bag.
Then, the small Xuan brings of the person of young lady's shape immediately run to the end of hallway, toward and our contrary directions ran to go out and was running and tearing apart voice to loudly shout:"Quick bearer!Here ……here have ……"
The small Xuan then all the way pushed a small trolley to arrive to deliver cargo elevator there.Didn't is unusually lucky not to meet what person, another of what to embrace is the blood dress that I strip off in the young lady's hand.Still intentionally yell to shout loudly, lead persons to all open.
We from delivered cargo elevator all the way descend arrived inside in the underground parking lot of mansion, then the small Xuan opened come a red of Ford sedan.I drilled into spare Xiang inside, then the small Xuan drive, go toward to outside walk.
Car just arrived the doorway of parking lot, but be blocked, I lay prone in the spare Xiang, head but the seat in the rear row underneath, heard the voice that the front spread to talk.
"Two sisters-in-law ……you this BE?"See is the person of green Hong to what to block a parking lot door.
The voice that the small Xuan talks intentionally seems to be very sad appearance:"Did two master corpses send to walk?I return to take a few clothes for him now ……turn head cremated time, also let the time that he walks the ability is a little bit honourable ……"
After all she is still "two sisters-in-law"s here, the person of those green Hongs doesn't dare to obstruct her as well, let go smoothly.
The car opens ascend street, I ground a heart for hanging just finally fell into belly inside.
Waited car to open to have 56 minutes, I below drilled out from the chair of rear row.Then climbed to front row, sat at the copilot's position up.
The small Xuan doesn't talk as well and cautiously looking at road to drive.The car rounds around on the street of Shanghai.Go toward as far as possible out-of-the-way place open.The end finally found out a quiet path and seemed also have no pedestrian, the small Xuan sought the yard of an apartment small area directly open go in, then just the parking turn off.
Our 2 people saw one eye each other and all loosenned tone.
"Like, you are regarded as now safety."The small Xuan fears after seeming also some and cannot help but lying prone at steer device up.Breathed heavily tone.
"……Thank you."I looking at this woman, voice some complicated, slowly way:"Now, you can tell me, exactly and what happened?"
"H'm ……today's assassination is to plan good,Beats by Dr Dre Pro."Small Xuan soft-voiced way:"Two take charge of at the outside pay the personal under charge of opening Chen Shan, then the gold river is from the pack of the side door go in to assassinate Chen Shan, according to planning at first, is after waiteding gold river to die, two tooked charge of and then complied with the surrounding to connect Zhang everything.Then …… can go and live with a leaf joys."
"H'm ……I probably also understand these ……but, and you?Who are you exactly?Still have, do you seem to know me?"I stare at this chemisette face.
She smiled to smile and smiled a bit exhaustedly:"Little five elder brothers, didn't you really remember me?"
Looking at my some interrogative look in the eyeseses, small Xuan just soft-voiced way:"H'm, probably you really didn't remember me, but I can't forget yours forever!You ……also record not to remember those early years, be little five elder brotherseses still areing the affair in supervisor's time in the night club of Nanking?"
The small Xuan makes reference to here and seemed to be wrinkly to knit the brows, the forehead shows unintentionally one silk unclear sorrow.
"In those early years, you while being a supervisor in night club, the everyones all shouted you little five elder brothers.Probably you no longer remember me, but you should still have an impression to this affair:Several year agos , in the night club, there is a young girl who is attendant, afterwards supervisor Related articles:

