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. But after listening to these words fluttering in the wind ,Xiao Hua was aware of a problem : this task have to spend a lot of time ? , relationresultWell ,I was gonna say .Preliminary estimates ,this task even if all goes well ,it will take ten days and a half months ,if you had an accident, may be even longer, if the mission failed, the loss is not small .
Although want to give you the time to consider clearly ,but unfortunately, we are leaving tomorrow ,I can only give you two hours to consider ,or even if you promise ,also do not have enough time to send the last flying nodded and said .
relationresultFlyingwith the words ,then no longer words ?He said ,then, see Xiao Hua .If Xiao Hua promised to ,that is best ;if not promise ,he is in no way .relationresultXiao Huathen quickly in think up .
He report back to Piaoxue city only two more days to do ,there are many things, there is absolutely no time to waste .But the wind said task ,especially the skill level of reward ,is attractive ,let him difficult to refuse !If he let his practice ,want to put them on the skills to master level ,at least half a year later ,but if completed flying in this task ,he takes up to a month ,can reach the goal ,but not low additional newspaper , relationresultGuildcan be left to fall ,the patron saint of stone ,the development of much ;shops things can give the party setting ,although the grandmaster prescription is only two ,but the master prescription is a lot of ,a drugstore ,in this month have fame ,accumulate some capital ,and etc.
he came back ,get a few pieces of the grandmaster prescription ,with one action expansion ,too late !As for the auction fees ,as long as the old fee to get orders auction to give the money to the party coagulation can ,to the old fee for people ,not dare deny .
relationresultThink of here,Xiao Hua immediately there is decided !relationresultWell ,I promise you ,to do the task !You can go back to the city ,just tell me the name of it ,I have been to most city ,basic can three hours passed ,tomorrow morning I will be able to .
The rest of the time ,I have something to transfer ,but also to the guild of thieves do hold level skill task only ,learn a high skill ,also more grasp , relationresultWe in the quiet Sun City for you ,how long will it take you to go to ? Listen to the wind ,he is a little excited, and then to Xiao Hua sent a friend request .
In a Xiao Hua skill ,he is very much hope that Xiao Hua can go together .They had only half of the team of six grasp ,but changed after Xiao Hua ,hold at least six into !relationresultThe forest city around which the city ? Xiao Hua accepted the application, looked at his lighted city region ,found the quiet sun city is a few he had never been to one of the maps .
But even if not ,Xiao Hua knows he is absolutely periphery of the city have been .relationresultAnd hear thewind said they were quiet Sun City ,Xiao Hua was immediately established right enough .
Quiet Sun City ,is the site of the battle of the day ,Xiao Hua is a hundred percent sure ,flapping in the wind is the war days guilds in man .Battle of guilds in the game also jade back to reality at the beginning of, get the second artifact ,the task was to ask him to help a stranger ,beats by dre studio hd.
The dielectric .The difficulty of the task, let Xiao Hua be revisited !relationresultRainbow City and Blackwater city . , relationresultOh ,the line, the two city I have ever been to, as long as the rainbow city transit two times, then wait a hour to quiet Sun City ,the three hour ,I should be able to be in the middle of the night ,in the morning to get .
Xiao Hua once again to have a look at the map ,immediately replied .relationresultThis is very good ,I be ready . Blowing in the wind is not relieved ,he also knows things too too suddenly ,Xiao Hua a little more time for things to handover ,concentrate on tasks ,that nature is the best .
Although the breeze to Xiao Hua has been to so many city a little curious ,but didn ,on the contrary, flying in the wind on Xiao Hua class was still learning amp occupation skill level ,feel very strange .
relationresultYes ,is there anything you can we gave two equipped with almost no energy equipment Bu ,such as reinforcing the weapons , said tube out ,maybe we can help . Flying thought, and then said .
relationresultHear thewind a mention ,Xiao Hua is indeed reminiscent of the strengthening the weapon it .He has two weapons to strengthen the gem ,the weapon strengthens to five ,not how difficult things .
I did not strengthen the weapon ,the wind back to help me prepare some ore ,aggrandizement to three ore helped me prepare enough on the line, and then to strengthen four and enhanced five copies ,of course ,money is made by me .
Taking advantage of this opportunity ,Xiao Hua decided to put his legend magic edge enhanced to five !The weapon strengthens to five ,can increase the weapon 7 attack power ,suddenly let Xiao Hua attacks increased thirty or forty ,this is not a small digital .
relationresultGood ,I go back immediately to prepare . Blowing in the wind don Xiao Hua has a weapon upgrade gems ,on Xiao Hua was very strange ,but not to ask .relationresultIf can kill persuade men ,my arms could become worse .
But is not this time . Xiao Hua looked at the edge of the second seal legend attributes ,a little helpless smile .His grade to the sixty grade ,but also kill nearly ,advised people to lift the second seal property .
Colt ,even and unique war they go to war ,it would take three or four days ,he had to spend more time .relationresultYou this weapon is an artifact ? Blowing in the wind to Xiao Hua this, not be surprised glance at Xiao Hua ,looks like flying in the wind on the artifact is very familiar with .
relationresultOh ,good luck to get . Blowing in the wind to guess out ,Xiao Hua is not surprised ,then how to say they would also first time artifact of the guild ,and a secondary artifact is bound ,he also worry about people would snatch .
relationresultgood luck to get .Then I go back first ,and do some preparation, wait not to steal brothers coming ! Blowing in the wind laugh ,then stood up ,walked back toward the transmitting array .
relationresultAndflying away ,Xiao Hua down thinking ,firstly and is talked .The thing is always blowing in the management ,although he wore a guild president title ,actually didn do anything ,duty ,so he simply and blowing said flying object, meaning that is to go out some time before a dish to .
relationresultBlowing inafter listening is very calm ,just slightly back .She knows that Xiao Hua has any skill ,not like before it will be trapped in the other place does not come back ,so nothing to worry about .
relationresultOn the side ,condensate and pharmacy business, you can spend some time to have a look ,that girl I am not too sure . Xiao Hua thought, and said .relationresultRest assured ,party and coagulation as you imagine in unreliable ,more trust in her .
A sigh ,she know coagulation in front of Xiao Hua ,always like a and others grab toys children in general ,but in fact ,not Xiao Hua face, side of condensate is a white-collar elite ten .
relationresultWaswandering so say, Xiao Hua can be a bit ashamed ,his other coagulation impression ,remained in the somewhat confused ,act on impulse in handling things like the big girl .
relationresultShook his head,Xiao Hua did not immediately contact us condensate ,prescription to be given to her hand on it, before this, his first to the guild of thieves ,the dead level of the occupation skill learning .
These two days have not enough time ,after all the other occupation mission ,changed a level occupation mission ,have to spend good time possible, but now Xiao Hua must go to have a look Related articles:

