
monster beats ld and cool cold hea

"Just, Er sky, do you really want this kid?"
"He is Long Jia's kid, I certainly need to leave him!"
"But, my father hopes I can …… can beat …… after all I am still young, I a single woman pregnancy livings son, really not so good ……" she rubs red double of eyes and sobs several voices again.
"How does he say?"Do not want to talk more, he as long as knowing how should do, so as to solve an affair successfully.
"He says ……" past is difficult, she shakes a head, "I see still keep calculating, this matter you don't want to care, I will advise my father again."
"I didn't ask your opinion, I does want to know how your father exactly wants?"His tone cold Lie.
"He ……" too cold Mou light, teaching the king can the Xin beat one cold Zhan.
She really has a little afraid he, but, thought of as long as removing Zhang Bei Xuan, oneself can sit the parent dragon daughter-in-law's position, can become the upper-class social intercourse turn inside, most be subjected to Hao of the public attention lady in the door, afraid, is no longer problem!
"My father says, if you would like to divorce with shell Xuan, then marry me to come in, he has no objection to me to bear the kid for you."
Smell speech, he strikes a table of anger body station to rise, very furious.
"Does he want me to divorce to marry you?"
He how possible for marrying her, but heel shell does the Xuan divorce?How again may for the sake of a mistake that should not make, but sacrifice shell Xuan?
"You can return to tell your father now, I divorce to marry you, that is the impossible matter, and I welcome him to go to court to tell me!"
"You-" hears the brush-off that his milli- takes no account of, a put on to envy red float to infect by her eye.But, strong endure endocentric disaffection and jealousy, she lowers the head and hides the eye that oneself cuts up rough.
She can't give up so of, she with difficulty arrests this opportunity, how possible so simple do things by halves?
The mood that is steady to live anger Men, she lightly raises head and does a sad facial expression.
"To, sorry, please don't blame me father, he because love me, would do a so wide of the mark request, would say as long as you are willing to marry me, he will send the half of east China business enterprise ownership of a share to you and wait after several years, he retired, the whole eastern China will all hand over to you to conduct ……"
Know an another matter industry the heart weighs very much and knows that he has a great attempt, the my father Wang female intends to the east China business enterprise is a counter, make longer line to snare big fish.
"This ……" king can the condition of Xin export, teach him how to move.
Although the east China business enterprise is just small company, east China conduct as usual, accrual can also also, if can combine the east China business enterprise, beneficial and harmless to his group dragon.
"I know that you have responsibility to the shell Xuan, you trust, I can't make my father make difficulties for yours like this, although I have already been pregnant your kid, he would like to be my trousseau with half of eastern China again, but ……"
In order to attain a purpose, king can Xin with kid and east China for counter, add a cent for own prestige, but in order to play the woman that the very clear matter manages, she blinks two drops of tears and packs the wretchedness of one face.
"I know shell Xuan she although nothing important family background background, but she is beautiful and gentle and soft and obedient, although her temperament is weak to order, again nothing important definite view, I think that you definitely still keep canning not letting go hers."
In order to emphasize the difference of oneself and Zhang Bei Xuan, king can the Xin once and again praise clearly to her in front of him dark devaluate.
But she is successful.
In Long Er Tian's in front, she successfully tramples the weak useless personality of Zhang Bei Xuan and take Long Er Tian to Zhang Bei Xuan biggest bad impression.
Thought of the position of her open group dragon's chief executive officer's madam, unexpectedly still allow a flock of original the vies with each other in the woman who fawns on to flatter humiliating her to her and throws the face of their family dragon, Long Er Tian any further suppress not next full chest because of she but rise of crazy Ran fury.
That's right,monster beats, she is the position that isn't qualified to sit again at group dragon's chief executive officer's madam up, she is a member that isn't qualified to become their Long Jia!
Grip double boxing, Long Er Tian Mou light the ice is cold and cool cold heartless.
"Be like a shell Xuan female kid like this, which man saw not to love?A lot of colleagues all say that even if she what affair don't also do, but as long as she gives a smile to the man, similar will ask for man to love for her ……"
"Is enough!"Long Er Tian fierce Yan, on flicking, big hand's Nu voice the words that stop her not yet finished.
"The sky of the Er, you ……" Wei coldly scolds to drink and frightens her.
"I already very clear you the father female's viewpoint heel condition, you need not say again!"A push away her, he carries on the back to her, cold one blue sky outside the window way.
Roll in the market dozen for several years, once saw as well many crazy ideas marry into his Long Jia's woman, he where will can not guess the in the mind of my father Wang female the idea that beat just at the moment?
See out just again how?
That has been of no account, because the in the moment the most important matter, is he should how between the shell Xuan and the business, descend a correct choice.
After that noon tea, in addition to at family's in front, Long Er Tian has already no longer opened mouth to talk with Zhang Bei Xuan, a lot of affairs, he makes a phone call to notify her through Lin Kai-
"The chief executive officer says that he doesn't return to today."
"I knew thanking."She knows that he is still livinging her spirit, she can nod.
Get off work next day time, she specially runs to the group first floor hall, think etc., he gets off work and wants to try to please him.
But, the notification of process switchboard, secretary, she didn't wait until his person, saw Lin Kai.
"The chief executive officer says he would return to very late today, please go home first."
"Thanks, I knew."
Closed lightly lips, she can solitary one person return to so greatly icy cold house of.
She wants to wait he to go home and wants to tell him, as long as he is willing to give her one more of opportunities, she will definitely change.
On that night, he is to come back, but, he walks into guest room, not the wish sees her one eyes again.
The morning of the next day, she specially rises early, prepare he likes to eat of Chinese breakfast.
"Today my cook your love eat of gruel, also stir-fried ……"
But, see don't see her one eye as well, he the Mou light turn round to go out to go to work coolly and throw her one person in the home.
But, don't relate to of, she can't care of, really don't relate to.
Because she knows, all of all theses are what she results in all alone by herselfs, can not blame him today.
Although the affair has already led more than ten days, can she knows current of he is livinging her spirit.
But, didn't relate to and didn't relate to, want ~only time a long, she believes that the Er will definitely slowly forget those for sky it's displeased, so, he will again to she good.
So, didn't relate to and didn't relate to, she believed as long as she continues to keep on insisting, Er sky meeting because of loathe to give up she is sad but start managing her.
By that time, he will open mouth to talk with her.
Then, she tells him again, she really excuses me and threw him with family dragon's face, hereafter she can't again so unreasonable, she will definitely refuse the slavery of the other people to her hereafter, refuse other people again direct her, be just ……
The nest enters his single sofa inside, looking at wall up of mourn a clock, Zhang Bei Xuan Mou light You You, spirit in low spiritsly thin count the clock puts of rock.
Today is February 14, Valentine's Day, but, he can't record this kind of festival of, he ……
Realize the downcast mood is chewing to bite oneself, the Huo ground of Zhang Bei Xuan sits properly body.
Once took lately- bought recipe of tea side-table, she invigorated spirit and intended to cook a flourishing dinner for him.
Suddenly, braising in soy saucing of colorful book page eel, teach her how to feel a burst of and disgusted.
Urgently once turned over the next page, one tail silver carp fish cuisine, show her to even want to vomit.
Turning over again is the Er cod for being partial to in the sky.Looking at colorful diagram, the shell Xuan lightly smiles.
Suddenly, her belly is a burst of to turn over to stir.
Urgently cover mouth, she urgently rushes into a bathroom and towards a toilet to greatly vomit to vomit especially ……
After five minutes, vomit all over falsely soft Zhang Bei Xuan, feebly fall to sit ground up.
Meeting how like this?Did she eat bad belly?
But, she has been all having no appetite recently, from last night to now, haven't eaten as well,say ……
Suddenly, a surprise in a twinkling dyes bright her Tong Mou.
The hurried station rises body, shell Xuan one face excitedly hurtles into the building takes out a wallet, when she draw back front door to want to go out, a burst of telephone bell ring suddenly rings out-
"Feed, seek which?"
"The madam is my Lin Kai, chief executive officer wants me to notify you, around 1:40, he will send driver to come home in pick you up, he with you about at 2:00 at Sa emperor the hotel doorway meet."
"He would like to talk with me, he didn't living my to annoy, is be not?"Immediately, beyond words joy, be full of her heart.
Lin Kai of"this ……" is silent.
"I knew that Lin Kai thanks you, I will ready to wait driver to come of, thank you!"Pin up a telephone, cannot help but an arousing of mood Related articles:

