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, Teacher ,I beg you to help me to kill that enchants ! Two Prince month Hao eyes red standing in the series grand Magister wave before .relationresultUseno month Hao as metamorphosis crazy idea ,just as his teacher, Pori feel a failure, he was taught a metamorphosis of the students .
relationresultMonthHao magic is superior to others ,but his spirit is difficult to understand ,this is also the second headache is one thing .relationresultThe two prince ,as your teacher ,I have a responsibility to remind you ,enchants can not be general master ,even the dragon sword sage all is lost to him ,though the magic against martial arts has the congenital advantage ,but the hand that terrifying speed ,I a person is not to kill each other .
Pori is warned .relationresultAlso, you look into the blue sky ,Miss secret see enchants the real purpose of ,if not the kind of relationship, or between two no ,we do not only ,more a holy order master enemy ,and enchants behind the crescent college ,Guan Ping Chao even I was not sure of defeating him ! , relationresultIf not the kind of relationship, why should they meet in secret ,the blue sky never hide anything for me ! Month Hao shouted retort .
relationresultIfthe student is not a prince ,Pori had jumped up to the idiot beaten meal ,from the sky to earth so a big chamber of Commerce ,which does not know the number of hidden secrets ,the commercial secrets who is stupid enough to tell a stranger ?Not everyone has their own secret !relationresultConceit,arrogance and ignorance !Sometimes the Tripoli grand Magister can stand two Prince this abnormal behavior !relationresultUse the followingtwo brains think will understand ,the blue sky and the secret in a perfunctory he be opinionated idiot !relationresultMonthHao angry from Tripoli room slamming the door left !relationresultShake onelingers in the door ,he to his disciples disposition too understanding ,before he can control, now difficult ,as everyone around him up ,he is more and more hard !relationresultCivilianswithout magic and martial arts talent ,how to do ?Especially those of superior intelligence civilian elite ,they have what can let a person worthy of attention place ?Is their head ,their wisdom ,a powerful person must also possess powerful wisdom ,but for an aristocrat ,he could buy force ,also can buy wisdom .
relationresultTwothe prince would have such a person, he called Ren Yuan ,civilian background knowledge ,beats by dre solo,extraordinary outstanding ,strategy ,if the Tripoli grand Magister is the two Prince strongest force ,that the president is the two Prince think-tank !relationresult,no matter what, the prince had to let that enchants ! Month Hao glum into any pool room ,the first word is full of dangers !relationresultNo man is perfect,Ren Yuan since two months in Prince Hao of the day knows ,the blue sky this woman is the two Prince death ,a day of two Prince not blue sky ,two Prince day is unlikely to be a true king .
relationresultThis isridiculous ,but this is a fact ,two Prince is a petty jealousy ,and paranoid ,once the temper ,nine head of the Minotaur also pull back !relationresultPoison,assassinations, including sex ,many methods one one in Ren Yuan head over all of a sudden ,let him come up with a kill holy order master approach ,this is a little difficult .
relationresultAs athink-tank advisor, he must take into consideration, in order to find a suitable tradeoff after several approaches for his master to choose !relationresultRenYuan gave master month Hao the three stratagems ,were classified as ,three .
relationresultThe worstis: let the Tripoli grand Magister hand ,directly kill enchants ,this one has not ,I also do not have this grasp of tripoli .relationresultThe secondis :pay killer union killer to kill ,but the holy order price is not low ,monthly estimated Hao Prince may not be able to afford the higher fees than !relationresultThe best policyis :spread a rumor ,as with artifact of what, as long as it is capable of arousing the holy order master hand * ,murder a person with a borrowed knife !relationresult,three CE ,month Hao is naturally chose the best ,although not immediately see the hand of death, but the cost is the smallest !relationresultChapter twentieth :world papermaking , relationresultXiaoHan himself did not know has a rival in love ,and it will kill him !relationresultThisall a Chinese adage ,sitting at home, from the sky to disaster !relationresultBut later,Xiao Han with blue sky the cooperative relationship is more and more closely ,more solid two people that seem to have no relations .
relationresultTwomonths since Prince Hao Xiao Han .!relationresultAt the newschool ,in addition to practicing ,Xiao Han go up to a place of crescent college library ,annex building is very large ,in fact, not a lot of books ,was built of large ,in order to come to the library to read a Book Learning of the students and the teacher a relatively larger space .
relationresultThe library alsobuilt very chastity ,and very strong ,because teachers and students will be overcome by one to do some magic test ,if not to build strong ,the library has long become a heap of ruins !relationresultThe vastcontinent without paper, people like the written records in the devil beast skin preserved ,so the books in the library are usually irregular ,this world is not what the book store and the like ,many books are hand copied version ,along with the advance of history ,many advanced magic experience and historical records have been lost .
relationresultOf course,higher order of devil beast skin is usually used to manufacture the reel ,magic crystal manufacturing is also one of the important raw materials of magic scrolls .relationresultHuman beings have beenunable to find a better medium to preserve these things ,silk and bamboo sheets are not easy, but it is not easy to carry .
relationresultXiaoHan himself was not used to this kind of backward way of writing ,especially in the skins on writing ,speed does not say slow ,but also prone to error ,and he thought of ancient China in four Daming papermaking ,papermaking raw materials too good looking ,bark ,roots and other plants .
relationresultPapermakingprocess are: cutting ,washing ,Ma Liming water ,cooking ,Chung pound ,pulping ,papermaking ,printing paper ,paper lifting a total of nine process .relationresultThe vastcontinent has its own unique magical civilization ,Xiao Han as the excessive intervention of the civilization of the fair ,but most of the magic of papermaking civilization exhibition to promoting and facilitating role ,not change fundamentally the civilized way of inheritance ,in think for a long time ,he decided to go to the papermaking magical magic continent !relationresultTwothe prince is also fast, go too fast, straight to want to murder a person with a borrowed knife streamer look very depressed .
relationresultBut he alsosuccessfully played off against the two Prince Xiao han !relationresultXiao Hanyidefeated the red dragon sword sage news also like the wind blow to Wangcheng ,a
hand became the people at one to talk about the topic !relationresultWhile someof the blue sky with Xiao Han linked by hearsay also introduced Wangcheng ,a mysterious hand intervention
and two Prince month Hao blue sky and cloud chamber little chairman the triangle between the wind suddenly has the love !relationresultMore startlingnews ,enchants Xiao Han is gale
prairie storm prior entry in the blast ,prairie spent an entire winter ,that the storm was stopped before the blast blast prairie ,prairie is Aeolus Providence place, there are numerous
wind system the devil beast ,and high order magic bestial difficult to estimate ,with Shaw in an obscure little people into gale Savannah ,after the holy order of strength ,also defeated
a continental red dragon sword ,not because of anything else ,just because he Aeolus - Aeolus heart !relationresultTheheart ,the continent crazy ,but this is the legendary artifact in Related articles:

