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The red light in the cage around Xiao Hua and five dark slime body ,Xiao Hua was completely unable to move, feeling very strange ,suddenly feel visual changes, and found him in an empty white space !relationresultThis space,in addition to a blank round ,nothing, only that he and his opposite a few meters away from the five dark slime .
relationresultLooked downto the foot ,Xiao Huacai found that he was like stepping into a mirror in the world ,now .It is a small river to turn around ,the river scenery ,and the black lotus .
All is clear !relationresultFive darkslime is accelerated jump up ,Xiao Hua was immediately ,without hesitation to use luck and potential such as heavy rain ,as far as the ultimate force ,Xiao Hua is going to leave make provision against a rainy day !relationresultAgileis a mirror world, can improve the current character and movement speed ,attack speed ,relationresultCrit,Dan hit rate ,and he now agile has reached one four 0 mark ,in the phantom ring effect, speed is fast ,now in improve ,even compared to the usual limit the use of force ,also be too much !relationresultAs critrate ,nearly .
Tian Minjie ,with luck ,crit rate at least irrigation ,then suddenly increase crit rate ,even if the system default can not reach the heart time crit ,also can be scary !relationresultIn themirror world, in the full state under the blessing .
Xiao Hua felt his strength expands extremely ,the body lightsome like to float up the general !relationresultBut this time,the dark slime was accelerated .It is been using his potential as the storm .
All good pine will !As he is now attack speed ,say, one second can also attack the attack .If it is a game player ,is absolutely even up almost nothing left !relationresultFootmovement ,Xiao Hua such as lightning ,toward the dark slime have floated past !relationresultSecondmore !relationresultThank youI love concave Chopin solo mad skills, Qiang Qiang is a three a reader , relationresultThe 296th chapter of big bumper harvest , relationresult How to cover potential !When ,in the penumbra process for two ,called iodine Chuan group of urinary out !Ken Hua and false as Tong meal, each chose a suitable location such as the potential rainstorm respectively two to three dark slime cage into the attack by region .
relationresultDarkslime is accelerated to a sufficient bounce rate is the only preparation to attack ,but then .Ken Hua and false are like a legend magic wrist ,in this moment ,as if to do without county black ,root toward black umbilical slime are straight wedge !relationresultBang!Bang !Bang ! , relationresultGuanHua and false attacks are quickly digby .
The spleen hands ,was split out of more than 10 attacks in the mirror world, this more than 10 road attack .At least to RH out stay !Five black umbilical slime heads ,are listed as a whip full explosion ,collapse of a purple injury !relationresultThis is onlyan attack ,officials to China in the false image ,has cut down the dark slime are around four old !In such stains Li offensive falls ,dark slime only song old really chess not offensive to china !relationresultButthe dark slime can not pay the clump shoot will put forward five dark history Moumu are full acceleration is finished, jumping into the air ,like five black flow through heavily toward the sky king ,Ken Hua oblique smashed !relationresultKenHua foot slipped ,people from several meters away .
Easily escape the dark slime attack ,and leave you at this moment is just from the dark slime behind the past ,hand movement ,most of the dark slime enveloped into its attack range !relationresultBang!Bang !Bang ! , relationresultIt is acontinuous stay on even Kam sound .
Dark slime and not in the original she doesn .False like this attack hit only three dark slime ,and are just cause six to attack damage and Si ,but this melodious and rhythmic sound to crit ,is still heavy in the mirror world this silent world manganese rang ,people listened to heart orange very happy !relationresultCommonhatred will only pursue their monster made ring maximum hatred against a common threat ,so the monster month monthly ,bidirectional wind of the jig ,game player respectively on both sides, one side by one fear ,escape, the other is Mao machine syndrome attack ,the monster .
Constant pull over, until the monster turned chase on the other side of the game player ,originally run play in turn attacks is mouth as long as both remote round out the high enough, in a short period of time the common enemies fear mob to pull over, basically be nondestructive kill all month hate monsters .
relationresultDealing with theblack culture slime false comfort out and Gan Hua compared to finish ,no goo difference ,but leave the trenches this attack, wonder is it right? The a high enough ,still can put the dark history of Caimu hate to pull over, the five dark slime is still like a full play to the levy as to hit to recover .
relationresultButKen Hua is not in the tired, in the mirror world, he occupied the absolute superiority ,just make provision against a rainy day ,he made a dodge but after this time to the mirror world after their speed experience ,Ken Hua Sicai many confidence straight grid and dark slime of zinc !relationresultMoreover,in the mirror world he also was a special gold can !relationresultMirrorfor su !relationresultDarkslime are towards the officials to China .
China official goo to dodge, but the dark slime rush to the eye first ,medium ,Caixuan station when the abundance of a modest distance dark slime to mirror coupons according to material ,make the monthly mirror world special just pieces of porridge can mirror surface projection !relationresultA flash of white,officer ,character from raw drag hall lost moment enough to dark slime people behind !relationresultStanding in the darkbehind Ken Hua and slime to follow the false image moment hand again to dark slime are crooked chop, a thick crit sound crooked well again and again ,the five dark slime were reduced by Dan with the right of the old !relationresultThemirror surface projection pieces can really good ! Make the monthly mirror image projection, easily duped dark slime ,willing to China is not on this skill was satisfied ,play is the only game player is pulled into the mirror world, not the straight and instantaneous fir to the back engine Gong hammer, a want to make people happy.
Don have !Dark slime turn dung ,Ken Hua Si false as it only has long preparation ,flexible body like a fish .Desertification two swim drag black Su ,one left and one ancient .
Light to the darkness they floated past the slime !relationresultA blankspace in the mirror world .Seven lotus shadow continuously back and forth to wear loose staggered shadow ,often a staggered will emit bursts of heavy crit !relationresultPowerful.
relationresultMirrorworld ,very powerful !relationresultAnd darkslime are back and forth several times to China in battle after thoroughly familiar with the mirror world figure chip of a deeply felt ,or the power of the shadow world !relationresultWith amirror for Shu five black umbilical slime to even death could not reach him ,he and the false image ,is killed in the dark into the North such as slime ,and the time is only had ten seconds !Continue, even a minute without playing ,he can finish kill five dark slime .
Lead , relationresultBlink of an eye,it is more than ten dream time .Five black umbilical slime old fell under the sting only 100 !And then to China again after the attack ,at the age of one dark slime rib falls below one hundred ,five dark slime body, while the color light a ,officer ,and false attacks ,as if on a Yi roots ,fell a sting tingle crash ,beats by dre pro,dark slime is finished a without any copies !relationresultNostate ?Diao ,black does not seem goo this skill ?relationresultAlthoughand unite in a concerted effort without state can not months but he and false attacks do month is true ,officer ,natural is the first time that forget invincible .
relationresultDarkslime body shines with the color light after the plow speed fast shot on a .Will China see attacks do ,simply to dodge, dark slime is quick to many .But in the Related articles:

