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A meteor, a sprint then insect son of the wing entire number cut.
Having no the insect sub- nature of wing can not keep to in the sky fly status and say this guy to is a sovereign Class, in addition to the energy contained in its body, the body real strenght equally cans not is small to see as well, Li Ya Lin fights with insect son at this time of the position be placed in the sky of Indian Ocean and below would be one boundless, fell off the insect son of sea surface but stired up a huge wave flower, caused a burst of dashing situation full of peril.
The wing rebirth of this guy although it is said still need a period of time, take advantage o this opportunity Li Ya Lin completely can take and tie and leave, but all since have been already beaten, that Lee second wood can't show leniency again, taking advantage o your disease and wanting your life this is Li Ya Lin have been all being insisting the principle of observance, so may give up.
Took out the Zhi angel's gold bow, several arrowses projection of congelations that record the biggest power, unexpectedly froze nearby waterses that this guy sink into all, still don't finish calculating like this, close behind again is the arrows of a chain of sacrifice to explode later on, Li Ya Lin uses lightning flash lightning flash as the end technical ability of end and directly concludes this huge sovereign insect son on the sea surface.
"Fix a bunch of elder sister, we withdraw."Li Ya Lin who again appears in the cockpit imitates a Buddha to have no a matter the person is general, look spirit to stop and think carefree, some war later on of asthma all have no, don't even lift what get hurt.
"It is small second to really make the elder sister be getting more shocked."The facial expression that ties at this time is a bit shocked, this also no wonder that, the other nation started out IS troopses all can not what then huge insect son, unexpectedly drive Li Ya Lin as chopping down melon to slice vegetables three times five divided by two of fix, particularly is that Chi of Li Ya Lin's back the wing of the sky, this but let the interest of bunch suddenly and suddenly and violently increase.
Li Ya Lin of"Hey Hey, this doesn't calculate as well what, is in fact such ……" is tiny tiny on smiling, later on again told the beginning and end of affair 1 time, certainly, this with heel thousand winters they explain of the edition is completely similar.
"Is so, no wonder that small second so severe, however the concerning space noodles crosses a theory, even if is is the genius small to tie the topic that I am also hard to overrun, unexpectedly use sorcery and then can accomplish, hereafter must let elder sister thoroughly knowledge knowledge" ties to full of beansly say.
"That certainly, completely all right" took the bait, the genius scientist came to hand a
So, Li Ya Lin takes to tie to joke all the way of regression IS learning center, saw Li Ya Lin and tie peaceful return, everyone is to excitedly run to come over, only just rushed toward to pass by from the VF-25 jump down come of tied but was everyone's one step to shout loudly first toward thousand winters of bosom.
"Is small thousand I miss you so much" hasn't waited to tie to rush toward a near front, thousand winters then some skills of headaches pressed his/her owned temple, another skill then direct press at tie of head up, she can not close to at all.
"You this guy make me have already enough had a headache of" thousand winters of facial expression is full to is helpless.
"Don't say so small thousand, small tie me am the honest good kid, can't give small thousand add the disorderly, do you say to is a small 箒 ?"Say and tied to return to change direction vision the direction of箒 .
"……"'S seeing an elder sister peaceful be brought back by Li Ya Lin, 箒 on the whole is let go of the big stone in the heart, but see 箒 this funny shape, 箒 can be to remain mum, white after an eye tie then become overdo to ignore her.
"Is small second, the small 箒 humiliates a person" but tie is one face towarding of pitiful Xi Xi Li Ya Lin say, this lets the head of箒 up exploded right away in fine threads blue vein.
"Good, don't make thousand winters, elder sister, the students organization work does of how?"Li Ya Lin helplessly put to put a hand, another serious face the dynasty ask a way for thousand winters later on.
"Have already been long to once negotiate with learning center as for this matter me, learning center long pour is a very modern-minded, mean the whole observance the students personal will,www.beatsbydrdreaustralian.com, like this of the words need to prepare a pep rally, hoping these guys can be able to be actively eagerly some."
"That good, so of words our matter should not be late and call° together all students right away, I want to announce in public this affair."Li Ya Lin says after ordering nod.
"Stop worrying, wrap on me, I will have been accompanying as well at you nearby of."Thousand winters of corner of mouth but is peeped out one silk smile slightly, although is very thin, however very dazzling, directly and then compared these little girls under go.
"Knitting teacher Ban is very deceitful, we will have been accompanying as well at second classmate wood nearby of" by this time fills the west Li Ya but is that the dissatisfied small voice whisper a way, in her eyes, still just other the girls of the noodles temporary don't say and would is many present females for thousand winters in the biggest rival at this time.
Thousand winters of action can accept in the whole school student's hall soon, all teachers and the students' entire number of IS learning center is present and looking at a set the bottom hand over a head to pick up aural girls, Li Ya Lin's corner of mouth could not help being suffused with the wry smile of one silk, is still really the girl country of the name matches the reality here, but oneself unexpectedly return main theme to lead this girl country, return be really some don't know what good.
"Everyone good, I am Li Ya Lin, believe present everyone even if is incognizant I, should once hear my name as well, after all unique male IS operation this trickery still pretty absorb ho of."Li Ya Lin also conveniently mollified atmosphere while doing to introduce myself and after all just experienced insect son to invade affairs, everyone's emotion wasn't just so stable, particularly many students country destroyed Wu in the house already, Li Ya Lin have to in consideration of everyone's mood problem.
Looking at Li Ya Lin touches the shape of nose in the on the stage, under the set of the young girls but is a smiling of all small voice unbearablely, exactly is a young girl disposition, Li Ya Lin returns to calculate this time more successful.
"Good, everyone invites listen to concerning this invading of insect son affairs I say, , believe that everyone has already heard, the whole world is suffering the crary aggression of the insect sons, Africa, America and Oceania mutually and continuously subjugates, although Europe and Asia just in the middle of actively resisting, very sorry is, these holdouts to constantly continuous insect sub- battalion, really is seem to be some bite on granites have no dint, the insect sons destroying this world is also only a matter of time" Li Ya Lin's words sound didn't fall, the spot is then already an one to clamor, will the world be demolished?Is this true?
"Calmness some your these bastards now world isn't still just Yao" thousand winters of S attribute massively erupts, double eye a stare and then let present girls all Zhan Li not already, hall moment utter silence, everyone a speech don't deliver of looking at a grandstand on, only that look in the eyes that sees toward thousand winters how all so very hot?
Li Ya Lin's body"if everyone has no call to despair, affair hasn't degenerated the worst the one step, I arrive at this in the world, would be for the sake of rescue this world since then of, don't doubt me, because this is completely a fact" says, unexpectedly and afloat at the half is empty in, a set of battle armor of pomp in a twinkling appears at Li Ya Lin's body up, that thou plain wood grain, send forth of light golden light, back six rightnesses of wings entire numbers launch, originally for building power, Li Ya Lin unexpectedly Zeus the absolute being dress wear at body up.
Is perfect, noble, cultured, dignity but inviolability, all the adjectives of the front sides can describe on Li Ya Lin, Li Ya Lin imitates a Buddha at this time that Gao high in the last absolute being Zhi come down to earth generally, let the present owner all is fond of to inebriate therein.
"Is second classmate wood unexpectedly an angel?"
"Not second classmate wood is absolute being is the only absolute being in my heart"
At present the hall at last blasted open a pot, even if appear publicly can not also obstruct for thousand winters the mood of the concussion of the girls at, no wonder that Li Ya Lin can drive IS, originally he is unexpectedly a god, although it is said at science and technology flourishing now, god has already been the role that would appear in novel or story, but this doesn't hinder the female children's imagination, now Li Ya Lin's emergence is to let this fantasizes true, originally angel's arriving to face the human life this is true
"Everyone sends greeting quiet for a while, if have been so noisy Related articles:

