
Beats by Dr Dre studio ebel hands Longk

Can maneuver ? Report general ,yes . Interesting, command task fleet bombarded targets the road ahead, give me the road .They also go . General. But the attack path still can prevent the rebel advance, long Kaida immediately people notice Merlin Town City garrison do defensive preparation ,hold three days at least ,it is not up to withdraw to the Hansaershi merlin .
Longkaida didn that a district or town ,as long as it can destroy rebel force, recover sooner or later .He just doesn care ,there are people who care .Star consul in that the rebels incoming information in person immediately to contact Longkaida for sending reinforcements .
Longkaida unmoved .To see the Grand Star executive al Qaeda did not sell their account ,also do not know what he used ,please actually moved the federal president to personally make high command to Longkaida immediately sent reinforcements to ensure that Merlin Merlin ,not let it fall into rebel hands .
Longkaida looked at the hands of Stavka order issued by the brow twist into a knot in the mind . The old fool ,you know the command, or the situation at the front !Since you like it why not himself to the front to command !Bang -- Longkaida angry will command to shoot in the table .
Sir ,why don to command to reiterate our plan . You can try ! Longkaida was not to cherish too big hope .Wait. Long Kaida called leaving Lieutenant then ordered , notice has reached the designated area of each building fortifications ,local defense .
Command fourth armoured brigade to halt ,standing by . Is !Sir you are ready to ... ? Adjutant to Tonglong al Qaeda would do so arranged ,so that a predetermined tomorrow morning offensive will not delay .
Command to the undo command ,nature is good, but I think that is unlikely ,so we still do prepare for two possible alternatives . understand ,people will fight ,Beats by Dr Dre studio. Results as long Kaida expected, command not only without the undo command ,is once again issued a curfew ,urge the long Kaida rushed into sending reinforcements merlin .
General. The king must not be obeyed ,as we have according to the original plan, perhaps we destroy the rebel force, the small rebel might not take the Merlin . Aide suggested . Do you think that the possibility? This .
.. ... Adjutant is at heart a hold No .That possibility is very little . . ,we sent a small army to deal with how to ? Command the command is required to ensure that Merlin can it fall into rebel hands, want me to hundreds of thousands of troops ,even though hundred people a group of rebels will stop ,don say you do I still have to face in the world, command the old fool would not hesitate to send us military court .
Then we ... ? Only put off a plan of attack ,ordered the fourth armoured brigade immediately to the town of Merlin turned into the rest of the Department of defense ,waiting for the order .
In fact long Kaida and a layer of worry ,if he does not press the supreme headquarters command ,supreme command will let the lifeblood of a new commander to take his place ,he handed over command is small ,but we should change horses in midstream taboo ,instead, made the situation can not be closed for ten as before the OKW meant, destroyed the rebel force ,again against the rebels .
Just hope can successfully annihilated the undue delay may bring trouble. ,small pockets of rebel forces . , relationresultThe ninety-third chapter relationresultHey !Where are we going ? Already in the snowy wilderness a day and a night ,I again could not help but ask .
Shut up. You have been asked one hundred and fifty times ,if you ask the same questions ,I will put you in the snow . Com came the angry voice for open . When can you eat? I am busy another question asked .
Shut up -- ! Xiao switch off communication device .Well. Only brothers we can say will whisper ,hello !A shadow ,so we walked every day to earn much money? Each day is ten thousand ,together with the mecha .
Wow !So ,the hair ! However. However? But what? Deduct expenses you can get a maximum of only 10% . Sorry? Come on, you too will exploit people ! This is the rules of the company ,they decided ,you have any opinions, to be president .
You see color to see / boy !You may be too not man ,don bring out the girl I am afraid ,I not quite early ... ... . Oh boy ,I want to you we would not be that girl is sad ,you saying people not man, you then see we even want to hide !Is you wrong first and then you don us for his .
Tobol interrupted me and said .You Tewode and quaint in communication device simultaneous echo . So ,too ,must !You are many you right ,but such a high commission ,is it right? That does this danger coefficient is big ? So to speak ,why ?Are you scared ! Teward said .
If you a ghost !Think I alone and so big what is not seen ,as if nothing can make me fear ?Besides the heavens down with a tall head .Really want to have what thing ,you as a leader must have take the lead ,I do little people erected a glorious indelible role model !I was right .
The death of you !When this is the army ?Also take the lead ! Xin quaint immediately answered . It is ,and I see a few brother ,if your highest . Stream was added . ... ..
. I can a word .Keep in the wilderness of temporary building up fortress was ,on top of the head is connected with four days of artillery bombardment ,E Ro decided to no longer do play ,develop target is Merlin center .
It is not too big town ,but the town has factory ,and the energy source from the near suburb farm ,gold deposit .The most important is the Merlin is El Paso star Archon is also the president of the Federation of home ,of course it is a to the Marine Corps to deliver supplies an important transfer station .
So the attack it ,the Corps in any case scored soldiers to defense ,even though it may not be their attack .As long as the front seat over the sea dials but two hundred metres hill you can see Merlin town .
Represent the federal government army armored forces electronic signal reconnaissance mecha appear in the radar screen . Enemy mecha !Number 150 ,height 100 ,cruising speed ,forward our hit .
Stop ,protecting cover opening ,an annular array ,ready to meet them . Efran quickly issued a command . Your team to hold containers not run around ,you as a mobile reserve . Efran hope to the company that a few ordered .
One hundred and twenty-seven sets of armor ,twenty-four engineering maintenance vehicle ,wherein the four cars each carrying a shield generator ,there are five small vessels is amphibious landing craft ,every boat carry a maximum of twenty people ,or two of light armor ,in addition to twenty loaded with goods goods cabinet .
These are the only rebel army life .More than 100 mecha with protective cover rapid cloth into a radius of nearly two km circular defensive battle ,the containers and engineering maintenance vehicles and the five small vessels landing craft support in . Related articles:

