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Feel is that so not true.
But own ear is is really realistic to slice of hear, an is 1 again."The elder sister of the month!In addition to he, no one will call like this!"Month China suddenly feels the whole world for an instant, suddenly disappeared, Be not the Dian of gentleman mountain any more here, but the pretty girl Feng that became Wu Dang Shan.Oneself is standing under that pine tree, concentrate to take a distant view a northeast.
"Younger brother Lin!"Month China finally and loudly called out, the one mouthful blood sprayed to splash along with this younger brother Lin but, the sword in the hand involuntarily stopped down.
At this time, another have two ring out at the same time, an interjection of surprise that is a plum Lin:"The elder sister of the month, I finally found out you!"
Is another but is master, elder sister, Li Wen Ying, ,'s surprised noise of shouting that the month hurtles a temple:"Temple lord!"
Along with this surprised shout, a figure of green an arrows treads, urgently hurtles but goes to and crashes into China in month a part.Along with a miserably shout, followed to spread out.Month China stops and thinks a to see, on the neck that sees that huge silver claw being grasping at master, elder sister, Li Wen Ying, , , but that bulky iron cable is tightenning.
"Master's elder sister!"Yue Hua Jiao shouts a , shout along with this Jiao, and then is a big blood to spray to splash but, the flower soul in the hand passed to go out and kepted sting to the throat of that white face.Which know, month China suddenly hears the voice of plum Lin, mind play earthquake, internal injury originally make every effort to inhibit, inhibit not to live any further, the dint inside the one mouthful lifts not to come up, the flower soul in the hand is nerveless to keep on sinking.
That white face sees this scene, ha ha on smiling, hand once the convenient dint pull, listens to "Mao" a frailty ring and have mercy on master, elder sister, Li Wen Ying, , whom the month hurtles a temple, the neck bone breaks to two halfs, beheaded, the joss-stick eliminates jade Yun.
The Li Wen Ying's Bo neck splashes the blood that blood and month China of vomit and splash full the dress skirt of the thin green of month China, the top spot spot orders and touch eyes shocking.
Month China intensive fighting ghost king of, internal injury is very weighed, still need to weigh than the internal injury flying in the void many.Month China leans against a circle to turn to protect heart vein too very, consequently have been being insisting, abrupt at this time through huge pleased huge sad, accept to can not stand any further, at present a black, pour backward.
Once that white face tremble silver claw and jilt the skull of falling Li Wen Ying and roar with laughter, just thinking grasp to China in month, the together red light is one Shan, sky flew one red feather arrows of paying, from the shoulder shoot go into, keep submerging feather.That white face shouts loudly 1 and curls up a burst of white smoke, disappear disappear, even the iron cable silver claws all stay at ground up.
The plum Lin shouts loudly 1:"The elder sister of the month!"Do regardless of personal safety of lowered the height of cloud, from once Long Pi jump but descend and at the right moment handed month China to pour just and backward of body.
Those enemies see the white face get hurt to escape, a burst of greatly disorderly, also nobody to put concealed weapon arrestment plum Lin, be safely fallen by the plum Lin at ground up.
Originally the month China desire faints to go, don't know where suddenly come to strength, supporting oneself that will fall flop of body, and then straighten, freed from tangle eyes, the face that sees at present one being full of an anxious concern, the Huang of one face is hasty, also difficult Yan corner of mouth that puts on namely mysterious and clean and purely smile an idea, in addition to oneself can also have who toward thinking younger brother Lin whom the Mu thinks?
Month China always feels this face that having a little is different, lifts an eye to took a look upward, top unexpectedly a hair also have no, could not help using a jade hand to lightly daut the bare-headed of plum Lin, nerveless say:"Younger brother Lin, and your hair?"
The plum Lin is from the elder sister's words voice inside in month, can listen to an internal injury that month elder sister is very weighed, hateful oneself can not see with own eyes the elder sister's shape in month and hear the elder sister in month not to ask the another and come up and then concern own hair and can not help eyes inside a sour, the tears rushes toward falling of Su Su down.
The plum Lin is strong to endure endocentric concussion, own just touch of bare-headed, force a smile a way:"The square Zhang that Lao Tze is a little wood to send now, get the horse of 3,000 people generally.The elder sister of the month, is who beat you so, I must revenge for you, let their whole family death ray light!To, month elder sister, you will definitely be free.Have here an use not an equal in the world saint snow three cure of pill of immortality, it will definitely cure like you of internal injury of, and can also raise you of inside dint of!The elder sister of the month, you ate it quickly!"
Mei Lin says, the hurry handle knob stretches inside the bosom and took out that locket, the Duo cringes opening of Suo and took out an inside, the the soybean size that is been called "come back from the brink of death Dan" by oneself of small circle grain.
Month China once connected to come back from the brink of death Dan, but didn't eat, but facing that 2 people who lie a to sit walk.Month China lowly body, lightly of on exploring the hemp mourning garment person's breath, the tentacle one is ice-cold, breathing in no way, the eye sees have already departed from this life many.
Month China is low to call 2:"The solution helps a lord, the solution helps a lord!"By hand point a to push a solution the body of dollar for sky, feels body unexpectedly weak have no bone.In the solution dollar in the sky most of hells ghost claw, the surface sees combine just like kind, actual body of inner part, early physique exert ground, change into Ji powder.
Month China explores to know solution for sky the circumstance of dollar, lightly sighed tone, low of even oneself also can't hears.Immediately after, breath moved body to explore to explore to fly in the void, the breath that feels fly in the void breaks continuously and continuously,beats by dre cheap, if have if have no, seem to be at any time to all want to break to go, then want to send the Dan medicine into to fly in the void in.
At this time, rang out plum Lin anxious voice:"The elder sister of the month, you at dry what?This medicine is to give yours, you ate quickly!"
The plum Lin didn't hear the answering of elder sister in month, but the voice of joss-stick Gu rang to get up:"Ha ha, your medicineses all gave somebody else, it is your elder sister to say to calculate by himself[herself] to eat not to eat nature, you still take care of of wear?You month be the elder sister just preparing to eat for that small white face with a double-edged sword!"
Talked, the joss-stick Gu doesn't return to body, "Sou Sou" is several arrowses, shot to wear several heads that secretively offend to come up.
The plum Lin shouts at top of voice:"You roll for me!"Lightning flashes in brain:"Is there the small white face of a double-edged sword?"
Plum Lin one screams:"The elder sister of the month, you can not give to fly in the void that bad boy to eat, he wants to kill my murderer!"
This Dan medicine is with patience plum Lin fee to exert, sit with crossed knees regardless of vulgar Gong, kneel down to kowtow to get of, is a plum Lin one heart to prepare to go fetch to save his/her own the elder sister's life for month.Now unexpectedly to that want to fly in the void damnedly to eat, the plum Lin annoys naturally of seven Qiaos living smoke, if isn't oneself to can't see, early come forward a haft to fly in the void to chop down.
Plum Lin at angry in, export tone to weigh very much naturally, plum Lin a words didn't finish saying, the joss-stick Gu an arrows step jumped near come over, loudly way:"Do you dare to scold me?"The Xian hand is one Yang, a pay dazzlingly clear E eyebrow sting facing plum Lin to fly.
The eye sees the E eyebrow stab plum Lin before the chest, suddenly together red light flash across, the E eyebrow sting drops at ground up.The month China hand keeps to spend a soul station in the plum Lin body side and looking at joss-stick Gu chillily, the body is tiny to shiver.
Originally month China is treating the Dan medicine to fly in the void and send in to, a see the plum Lin have insurance and can not consider of to save again to fly in the void, the hurried Shan body came over to save plum Lin.Month China concerns then in disorder, from don't know that the E eyebrow sting of joss-stick Gu receives and dispatches from such as, just make the body ascend lightly stab ascend for a while with eliminate at heart it hate, don't really kill him.Peacetime joss-stick the Gu also had fun like this.
At this time, joss-stick Gu a see China in month bowl off an own E eyebrow sting, oneself even the skill of the other party didn't also see pure and could not help a little bit becoming angry from embarrassment, right away raised four Xuan bows and aimed at China in month:"You why bowl off my E eyebrow sting?"
Month China returns to way chillily:"Have me at, no one can harm him!"
Once the joss-stick Gu listen to this words, good elephant she relationship with plum Lin, nearer than oneself, can not help angrying more, right away the Jiao drinks 1:"That I harm you!"
Pulling bow is like full moon, think an arrows to shoot to go, hand a loose, but the red feather arrows have never projected to go, a hand grasped an arrows pole.The joss-stick Gu settles fine on seeing, isn't other people, but is everywhere set against with oneself of Zhi just, could not help a Nu way:"Being small is baldheaded, you dry what?"
The Zhi just stared at her eyes, a word said:"Have me at, no one can harm her!"
The joss-stick Gu bites lips to see Zhi just and sawed China in month again, finally see have a little ill-wisher plum Lin, can not help a stamping foot, the Jiao shouts 1:"You all humiliate me!"
Twisted a head to jump another place, " Related articles:

