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Also lead a team defender ,one hundred people . Sword five .relationresultYou this one hundred people now where ?.Xiao Han asked .relationresultThe governor . Sword five answers .relationresultCan arouse ? Xiao Han the hearts once asked .
relationresultCan ,but need to big brother warrant ! Sword five .relationresultOblique one ? , relationresultYes ,lord . , relationresultMy hand to do ? Xiao Han asked a sentence .relationresultIf your hand to make sure ,but if the mobilization of the governors of the iron guard ,small fear will act rashly and alert the enemy .
Sword five worried .relationresultI can let you play ! Xiao Han laughs .relationresultHey little thought of ,how will not master ! Sword five feel shy scratched his head with a red face road .
relationresultSword fivespeak without too much effort ,don that curved around ,estimate this is the love for his sake, who like this deep under ?relationresultIs thesword five so obedient and no effort under ,most can be assured that boldly used .
relationresultSoon,Xiao Han from Hongxiutianxiang commercial investigation division got the message ,Xiao Han let them put a watch on the manor ,nature also found blood bath ,then relayed the news to his .
relationresultHongxiutianxiangchamber of Commerce to Xiao Han brought a don bad news ,it is their last night of fire left black Tacheng ,heading direction is Montgomery city !relationresultCthulhuXiao cold fire movement has been very concerned ,he is the group three giants of three, Ouyang Qian tells him not to participate in the Cthulhu ,fire accident ,but the demons ,fire was secretly left the black Tacheng ,came to the Montgomery City ,what does this mean? , relationresultOuyang Qianlying to myself ,why would she lie to yourself ,and she used to persuade demons what fire start is not involved in the incident ,and by what way let him come out ?relationresultPleasedo not move their tusks fire ,this one incident fangs set out to hide in the behind the curtain of the reasons there is a fire ,he was afraid of demons ,the people have to the black tower is keep faithful and true ,this person if fell to the tower ,he wanted to overthrow the power ,it is impossible ,that is coupled with the power of Ouyang Qian can not be successful ,even if the chance to kill the black tower ,the fangs eventually when not on the province governor ,but will do for others wedding ,cheap beats by dre!relationresultSword five .
Can in the shortest possible time to find Ouyang Qian and death between what the secret deal ? Xiao Han asked sword five .relationresultfire adult only his sister dance ,dance is said to miss life long time around ,adult medicine ,are not better ,miss fire itself herbal science master ,but can your disease ! Sword five a sigh .
relationresultAre you saying what Ouyang Qian means can continue dancing life ,death to sister ,had to give in to her ? Xiao Han point through the fire ,their weakness and cool is her sister dance !relationresultI think this is the only way to make sense of the adult characters .
Sword five .relationresultThis .Fire what could be wrong ? Xiao Han asked ,on this point ,there is no mention of the course ,Xiao Han did not ask ,the human head can contain much information ,the lived for over a hundred years ,the head of the information in the number ,even if a ten and a half months of day and night are not necessarily able to talk him head of the things to say !relationresultAeolusCorrigan why not put all the memory was instilled in Xiao Han ,even Huang You was one point one points ,this is a capacity problem ,this is like a computer hard drive upgrade, began as a few megabytes ,then tens of megabytes ,then hundreds of megabytes ,then ,dozens, hundreds of Zhao, capacity more to accommodate the amount of information is large, this nature is bigger ,practicing upgrade is the reason .
relationresultFromthe womb is carried out ,a birth ,the cold ,than the average baby body temperature is much lower, if not breathing ,thought that the baby was a dead baby ,weak constitution, chronic illness ,her mother with her, his father died ,was too sad ,born of fire later, the body is poorer ,the fire was three years old ,his mother died ,in fact ,fire fire is up to adults ,the sister arts ,adults have paid a lot, then take refuge in the old masters ,but also have to for it ,no one is willing to spend every day five thousand gold coins to fire curing medicine ,only the old master to do so , relationresultFive thousand coins ,what medicine so expensive ? , relationresultA roll of residual square ,said to be from the red fire adults family seeking to fire ,for adults also lost , relationresultLost? Xiao Han asked .
relationresultLost man s ability ,the secret except for an old master ,just the five of us know ,brothers ,even fangs adults don know . Sword five greatly saddened by the said .relationresultDon make sense not immortality family from the house ? , relationresultNot at all, is immortal adults listened to alchemical family thing ,handle affairs when injured ,so so .
Sword five explained .relationresultIt is no wonder that he didn her ,it is not beauty ,it is fate .Xiao Han tao .relationresultWho said not fire ,adults can not humanitarian ,so will all our hopes on fire on fire ,hoping to better ,able to fire home left a bit of blood, but could not marry miss dance .
, relationresultWhy?The dance age should not be smaller ,alive and well ,why not get married ?.Xiao Han strange asked .relationresultMiss fire can not do Dunlun gift, even if , relationresultIs it because her illness ? , relationresultYes ,miss fire disease can not be too excited ,also cannot have too much stimulation, otherwise it will stun ,master, you want to ,men and women of the time ,can not excited stimulation ? , relationresultThere is truth ,this pair of brother and sister also too poor ! , relationresultWho said not, can the doomed thing ,who also can not change ! Sword five .
relationresultAll these things are very secretive ,how do you know ? Xiao Han strange asked ,sword five is the closest ,but these things ,even his own son ,the black tower will not casually say ,and if a stranger .
relationresultI know this ,it is because I had to miss the dance when a few years later was transferred to the frigate ,old master side ,then the name of the sword five . Sword five .
relationresultNo wonder ,you will know so clearly ,I am afraid not miss fire tell you ? , relationresultHow can this be ,some are stealing Kay heard, some are okay when out on her own .
Sword five .relationresultIs it right? You had a crush on fire ? Xiao Han see sword five said fire eyes not by a more gentle and attachment ,I immediately understand this kid will know why so much .
relationresultMaster ,how do you know ? Sword five old head of a red said ,hesitating in speaking .relationresultSword five ,then how do you be conditioning dance miss ? Xiao Han Hei hei laugh ,suddenly asked .
relationresultI don ,is suddenly transfers to the fire ,I from Miss gone ,when I was her captain of the guard .Sword five memories of that in the fire side of the sweet days .relationresultHey ,you asshole is the head of short strings ,don love dance thing has been above that ,put you off .
It is looking at you was troubled ,and death in the fire ,don embarrass you ,otherwise ,you have a few head can live up to now ! He woke up cold sword five .relationresultSword fiveheard Related articles:

