
Beats by Dr Dre solo ese reporterses I c

, Can use Chinese language, English, French, German, Arabian language, Spanish, Russian seven kinds of languages ask to me, I can understand, concerning this reporter's friend's problem, my answer is at don't get the authorization of matchless prince under, I can tell everyone, matchless prince is at Chinese absolute being state native Chinese of the earth, formally administer in 1990 our country post of military adviser, thank."Finish saying, the blue Li uses again the common speech of tunnel to so Taiwanese reporter replied to say 1 time and finally said:"Sir, have you already listenned to understand?"
That reporter hurriedly nods and sit down body, unimaginablely shake head.
The blue Li frailty voice says:"It is next."
By this time, many reporters again raise hand to ask question, the blue Li hasn't had a roll call and sit at a reporter of Huang Fa Hei's skin of first row once robbed a words tube and loudly asked a way:"Blue brigadier general, I am a Chinese international reporter, your country military adviser Wei is matchless since Chinese, I would like to ask matchless Sir of Wei, is it the reason why that make him betray his own motherland?Is it the reason why that make him do the prince of your country?"This words are a , the assembly hall immediately pipes down.
The blue Li is tiny tiny on smiling, the frailty voice says:"I have already answered asking of two Chinese reporterses, I can not answer this question again, very sorry."
Is a burst of to lose on the face of that reporter, took a look blue Li, slowly sit down, blue Li again way:"However after the news will end, I will arrange the interborough tallest commander officer Yao Kun the full general accept national radio station of your country of interview."
This words are a ,Beats by Dr Dre solo, assembly hall a burst of sensation, so Chinese reporter's surprise thousand times, noding of a strength says a thanks.Other all countries reporter's noodles expose surprised Xian air, Taiwanese reporter of third row started to stretch to keep a waist to clap the shoulder of clapping the international reporter.
Connect down, the blue Li answers asking of three reporters in England, the United Stateses, is captured soldier concerning the beautiful English how handle?The big Ao Kingdom hopes at and beautiful English government of acquire what condition in the talks?If the negotiation breaks, whether imposes the captive soldier cuts in half of Xing?And the problem of Russian reporter, that be why will the big Ao Kingdom own his/her own battleplane?Where did these battleplanes come?There is also big Ao Kingdom of those very rules weapon and the source of guided missile?
The blue Li does an explanation and answer one by one, saying of end, blue Li equanimity but affirmation:"Concerning this I want to formally make clear, our country with other whichever nation absolute have no the contacts, the second of authorities, our country of each ballistic guided missile big part is self-made, also have a small part is acquire through some not- normal outlets, the third, our country of battleplane is also acquire through a not- normal outlet, this has no relation with other nations, I can definitely tell everyone, our country not only own Su 27, F15, F16, the unreal image is 2000 fighter jets, everyone's also seeing us national what wes made new in the later day new battleplane is in the future."
This words arouse a burst of rashness' moving again.End, the blue Li answered asking of nation a few reporters of Arabias again and replied to say:"We don't beat a news war, don't beat a saliva war, our purpose only have a , the independence liberation autonomy founds a nation, who want to obstruct our steps, he will encounter our cruelest revenge."
The news will end, reporters in all countries immediately went crazy surround international Chinese reporter, pass several pieces of notes, plead this reporter while interviewing Yao Kun for he or she's generation ask note up of question.
Almost at same times, the green boat Kingdom convened news to ventilate in the clear Jing ship Zha teacher department meeting, confirm two in this small hours the F16 battleplaneses sink into of news, but deny being shotted down by the big Ao Kingdom battleplane, but because of the weather reason, personal square the battleplane mistake bump to cause a crash, at the same time, the green boat imperial house scathingly blames Arabia all countries, especially Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan Three Kingdoms provided at least ten Sus for the big Ao Kingdom 27 the air supports of the battleplanes, and call this several the nation is the countries of the evil devil.
The news spreads, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan immediately announces a wording scathing pronouncement and all swears in the name of real Allah to absolutely don't provide any support on the military to the big Ao Kingdom, and severely protest against that the green boat Kingdom plants Zang frame-up, robber's words and actions greatly talk nonsense, don't lose opportune moment greatly on the other hand and also four sneer at the air force of green boat Kingdom defenseless, Shi strong Ling Ruo, eat persimmon to particularly pick up to softly knead of sordid behavior.
International community also to this announce some pronouncements are mostly all some amphibology words, green Ao two soldiers open a dozen just on the first day, the pronouncement of end is the situation that keeps to hesitate.
But relevant Ma Jun report then all over the place and become disaster.Some military critic observer even Ma Jun, big Ao Kingdom, China contact to together, because the big Ao Kingdom owns of the forerunner's high-tech armament make people very easy thought of back affirm to still have a mastermind, will be who?Affirmation is China!Because the Wei is matchless to is Chinese!Because in more than 1,000 year agos, the big Ao Kingdom once was big Tang's subsidiary country!Didn't than the nation of China worther doubt.
1:00 p.m..China's most famous war corresponder is in the Aos all interborough commander's headquarters Yao as to it's did the official residence of the Kun carry on an interview.The interview totally carried on for two hours, Chinese 9:00 p.m.(local time), China to first showing in the world interview this time.
The Yao Kun commander whole body military dress, cover process in in addition to being answering a few questions concerning Wei matchless prince, other time remain a smile, this a few problems respectively BE'
"Commander in chief's you, now the people of the whole world is particularly our Chinese people to pay attention to a problem most , that is your country the matchless prince of military adviser Wei really such as what outside rumours say so, he is Chinese?"
"Yes!"The air of Yao Kun is solemn and peaceful, simply and emollient answer.
"So commander in chief's you, Wei matchless prince is how from China to your country?How became the General of big Ao Kingdom again?"
The Yao Kun Su permits, the answer of equanimity:"This problem to us, is know but can in no way reveal again of cut off an airtight file, want to know this answer to take time."
"So commander in chief's you, what form of contacts have your country government and Chinese governments ever had?"
The air of Yao Kun is firm, one word one says:"Have no!After our Kingdom at your country Ming Dynasty last years of the period Kingdom, we and your country government for the contacts of never any authorities and folks, we is by dint of own hands walk till today, we don't need the help of any nation, we have an ability reconstruction in those early years the Ba of the bright mainland the brilliancy of the main big Ao emperor Kingdom."
"So commander in chief's you, is what kind of reason make your clansmens picked up the weapon in the hand is for founding a nation but sacrificing?"
The Yao Kun is beaming with smiles, smile to say:"This problem last year a year in, the historiography house of the whole world has already given answer, also tallied up a truth, where have oppression, there have been already resisted, we the big Ao race were the most hard-working in the world, the most simple, the kindest race, at the beginning we Wu country after, we many clansmen betrayal exiled everywhere, we drive savage of the green boat clansmen drove out a high cold mountain area, desert district, for these several a hundred years, they always don't pass us, each is massacring the clansmen that the our hand has no inch iron, our fresh dye red mother's river, our blood and sweat was squeezed stem by them, our wealth is looted by them, our life is seen as the child's play, we leave of only have the fury of old grudge and vengeance, we wanted the space that finds out 1 to exist to descend for our clansmens, we didn't want to be exterminated entire."
"Commander in chief bottom, do you imagine peace?You dream peace?I remember a words, the mankind's end ideal is peace, there are also a words, the war makes the mankind stay back and lets the mankind distresses, your viewpoint what kind of?"
Yao Kun ha ha on smiling, say:"Imagine most in our nation, look forward to only having of peace two superiors most , one is king's his majesty that we respect, a matchless prince that is us, our his majesty never advocates war, our Related articles:

