
beats by dre solo and nine green s è

Fire s è big eagle from flew out among them, and nine green s è circle the wreath also fly to return to chariot to before and again change into nine flood dragons and crawl fore, is in low spirits! "Is quite good, quite good, take for strong last several centses than what I thought!That attack that connects to come down me to see how you resist me!" Y ī n very saint gentleman once the big hand clap arm-rest, top of head green Luo umbrella the cover flew a while chariot, green Luo's umbrella covers at his top of head on continuously revolve to absorb Na for it periphery of ten square the j ī ng spirit, top four absolutely lawless big word Yis Yi living Hui, arrogant Lin however! But those nine green flood dragon of s ès are mutually tie up to round together, change into together green light to cover with at the y ī n very saint gentleman body up, green light spread to the utmost after, green Long Zhan Jia presents on its body, like a peerless Ba lord is general. Very the y ī n saint gentleman list hand hurtles under of the chariot is a , that chariot changes into to together rushes thunder and rush and swerves about madly but goes to toward the ground eagle son. Is original blue sky cloudless sky at the moment also immediately the dark cloud rise everywhere, the numerous silver snakes purple electricity declines to drop down from the unreal and rushes the thunder car construction threatening force for that. Thunderbolt world, ground eagle son at the moment like in the ocean of thunderbolt, numerous thunder and lightnings split to cut in his body and look like rob general terror in the Du. "Come of well!The dint of this thunder and lightning at the right moment gives me the Nao Nao Yang Yang!" Fly crystal silk of a numerous red s ès in a rightness of fires wings that the ground eagle son carries on the back behind, these crystal silks fly toward air and change into a xi ǎ o type the sun and break up dark cloud, make the world heavy to return clear! Face to bump shot to come over of rush a thunder car, ground the eagle sub- eyebrows is tiny tiny a wrinkly, then body form in a flash, change into a light of fire to avert from, however that speed that rushes a thunder car is really too quick, the incarnation opens for lightning flash, ground eagle son basically canning not jilt! However local eagle son after the unreal was flown with a kind of strange track, he suddenly stopped down, then knotted a method Jue and pressed toward the unreal,beats by dre solo!Immediately unreal in appear a huge sign text! Originally the eagle son isn't to escape in times before, but flies in the unreal by particular track, set out a burst of and temporary strategies, he once flew a particular position each time, and the right there leaves some flame! These flame after it tee off a method to print, link, form a huge sign text, that rushes thunder car the momentary can not also rush out in this sign text! "Commit a gigantic fraud!" Ground the eagle son point voice a call, that sign text connect take to rush a thunder car disappearance at at first! "Ha ha ha!Y ī n very old son, you that rush the thunder car has already been transfered to tens of thousands insides by me of the place go to, even if he rushes through back, I two of the combat of have been already ended as well." Y ī n very the saint gentleman noodles s è a cold, seem to eat the next stuffy Kui general. "Cluster the ghost lu à n dance, completely lawless and godless!" Sees y ī n very a saint gentleman and directly and greatly tread to walk, the one punch tees off numerous Malicious ghosts therein wail, like judgment day in the world general! " Must be good!" The ground eagle son opens a palm and changes into a fire s è eagle claw, also toward y ī n very saint gentleman that one punch go to towards grasping but. Momentary two ten thousand thous tycoon the sky of Dou faint a ground of mountain range of being dark, interrupting and break~into pieces high mountain in the unreal, one's roaring loud can let the ground split! This be ten thousand thou the tycoon's elegant appearance, the each and every moves all have a kind of general situation that can not resist and let the sun and moon lose s è, the world has no light! But those chains falsely and greatly become of the monk then hide from afar and from afar and seem to be really and fear the Dou method b ō of these two deicides and arrive oneself. The attack of the ground eagle son wily y ī n poison, including all of various magic tricks is very improbities, but that y ī n very the saint gentleman then greatly open to greatly match, greatly have 1 kind ignore you thousand change ten thousand change, I am from the Kui however the immobility! "Ground eagle son, we also know that the root knows bottom mutually, as long as you the o of ji ā be stolen of work properly a stone, is giving me those four xi ǎ oj īs, this matter is all cancelled how?" Y ī n very the saint gentleman Be fighting and saying and make moves is also compare at a time a malicious, basically have no words in that kind of flavor that negotiation. "You break wind, Lao Tzes basically have never got hold of to work properly a stone, how the ji ā o give you, don't say that is to don't get hold of, even if is got hold of my ability so simple of ji ā is the o to you? I see still rather so, you I now accept a hand, my etc. immediately walks, this matter is what have never taken place as well." The ground eagle son has already known ° from his under charge, they have never got hold of a cake of to work properly a stone, so just feel that this is the y ī n very the saint gentleman think pit, they just say this time words. "Hum, since so, that also has no what say so much of, isn't you dead today, is that I live, there is no the third choice!" Y ī n very the saint gentleman is cold to hum a , top of head on of absolutely lawless green Luo umbrella cover ground eagle son ground the attack resist but live, then fly an a few sign texts again ground eagle son to seal to trap but live. "Absolutely lawless green Luo's umbrella indeed as expected lives up to reputation, but you think I is well humiliate not to become?Go to Gao Zhi Tian, destiny bead, my life from I not from sky!" Ground eagle son Zhang Kou Yi vomit and vomit o white s è bead son of big xi ǎ of a fist, this bead son an appear y ī n very saint gentleman all attacks immediately break up! "Hum, Be just a sky, the imitation of life bead, most also just an in the article work properly a treasure and dare to also take out to play power and prestige, my seeing you is live Be getting more impatient." Y ī n very saint gentleman green s è war AN on the body is only suddenly green one Shan, together green s è light pillar almost is have no omen of suddenly sh è to ground eagle son! Ground eagle son once the big hand grasp and unexpectedly living will this light pillar to grasp to knead in hand, then malicious malicious a knead direct will green light knead to spread!However let what to come from his unexpected happening BE, this green s è light pillar kneads a ground empress of working unexpectedly and closely suspend to nearby change into a huge green cage of s è at him! "Ha ha ha, your this bird person, it's time to early be closed into a cage.Absolutely lawless green Luo's umbrella gives me the suppression!" Y ī n very saint gentleman green Luo of the overhead the umbrella cover directly throw to that cage on, that completely lawless and godless four big words flew out from green Luo the umbrella cover and surrounded in green cage of s è on all sides, allowed that eagle son how escape, all is not. "The person of the bird, you now how don't fly ah, tell you, I this absolutely lawless green Luo the umbrella cover have already promoted to first grade work properly the situation of treasure, only I have been reserving real strenght and wait of be with one action take down you now!" Y ī n very the saint gentleman very satisfiedly say, then on clapping green s è war AN of body, that green s è fights A to change into one Peng the green silk drill to go into a cage, ground eagle son ground body to tie up to round. "Although I put out to kill you, in your captive's Mosslem people, can let clan in some big can live you to suppression but die!" Y ī n very the saint gentleman satisfiedly say. "You don't also happy of too early, the current affairs has no absolutely, big can before once practise divination for me at me in my clan, this although I am dangerous, fierce medium have Ji, can turn bad luck into good, finally have no matter!" The ground eagle son isn't nervous either, seem to be pretty much to believe inside his clan that great ability of the divination is general. "Here and basically have no ten thousand now thou the tycoon's existence, you is call skyThe Hu flicks the Γ Xie Di Yao Huan Liang  Qian the lovely Fu pound the Gui Zhun  Fu Ci Xian  Ji 's playing in person the  iridium Ci Kang is dizzy wild three utter Ye to concuss Li saddle Zou to play?Y ī n very the saint gentleman don't believe, harsh voice say. "Be getting wronger, we still have an outsider here, not belong to you, also not belong to me!He is a variable!" The ground eagle son hopes to go toward the ground of Gao Yi's place one eye, although heart in also indetermination Gao Yi's this chain falsely expect of fix for can help himself/herself. "Ha ha ha ha!That xi ǎ om á o thief?Is an only the monk of chain falsely early peak can make you turn bad luck into good and say this words that also being not afraid of you is open ten thousand thou the tycoon's identity!You four bottoms go to and kill that person, calculate you atone for sin the achievement!" The n evil spirit clan monk of y ī that those four chains falsely and greatly become, happy hurriedly fly a body thousand times but descend, is the strongest war capability that tees off them toward Gao Yi! And Gao Yi also arrived the key breaking to expect at the moment, he also knew an outside the situation allows of no optimism, however as long as that y ī n very the saint gentleman don't make moves and pour is have no what worry. "Drink!" Gao Yi shouts at top of voice, huge strength separates empty stream into to those four chains to falsely and greatly become inside the body of monk, those 4 people even the hands are all future of and, be directly roared into a heap of r ò u mire by Gao Yi, even the absolute being souls are all put out to kill of cleaned out. See this condition, ground eagle son the flash across in eyes is one silk joy, but y ī n very saint gentleman then noodles s the è is metal gray, a monk that roars to die a chain to falsely and greatly become of Gao Yi Neng, even if clap many chains to falsely and greatly become monks to all take not to descend him again, so y ī n very the saint gentleman directly make moves, sees a his big hand an and generally presses like a sacred mountain toward Gao Yi. And Gao Yi also bad end one step can break! Now Gao Yi is in brain only have Related articles:

